man whats going on


i planted my seed in rock wool 2 days after it germinated which was on the 19th.. i put it in rockwool on the the 21 with the seed sticking out pointing at the light and the roots buried not recieiving light. it doesnt appear to be dead but wtf its not sprouting. whats going on or am i just being impatient ??????


Well-Known Member
i planted my seed in rock wool 2 days after it germinated which was on the 19th.. i put it in rockwool on the the 21 with the seed sticking out pointing at the light and the roots buried not recieiving light. it doesnt appear to be dead but wtf its not sprouting. whats going on or am i just being impatient ??????
Next time just drop the seed, ungerminated in anything, straight into the rockwool. Did you adjust the pH on the rockwool before dropping the poor thing in?


Active Member
Could be a variety of things temp, rh, lighting etc temps can be relatively high lower 80' is fine, rh should also be kept high 65% or more works well for me. And an unsprouted seedling needs no light at all really. Also ph for seedlings can be in the mid 6 region.


How wet is the rock wool and it should never be drenched kind of damp outside and if you squeeze it something should drip out not gush. the plants roots need air to grow to much water can drown and cause seed and roots to rot. i ph 5.4,5.5 yes rock wool can be a bi@&h with ph sometimes if they are staying in rock wool this ph is ok but if you plant the cube to soil once it has some leaves and roots established the ph of water and nutrients should be around 6.3-6.5. i us hppro soiless mix it has been good and bug free so far. Also for ph I'm not crazy about it being 6.4 every time cause when your adjusting your adding more to the mix and less is more very often when growing


Well-Known Member
Soaking seeds for a long time can cause it to rot. Thats why you never see it recommended for flowers, fruits , or veggies. Only cannabis growers do extended soaking or pre-germinate. Everyone else sows in seed starting potting soil or directly in the ground inside cold frames.