Manafort trial predictions

The Senate Intel Committee came out with their report about a month ago, and came to the conclusion that Russia DID interfere with the elections for tRUmps favor,, and that tRUmp probably LIED to Mueller when he answered the handwritten questions.

Oh, and thats the Republican Controlled Senate Intel Committee

The Mueller Report came to 10 different instances where the tRUmp team Conspiracy with Russia, and the election.

The only reason Mueller didnt file CRIMMINAL CHARGES, is because it is standard procedure, though not law, that they wont indict a sitting president.

The only reason they didnt go after tRUmp is because the Department of Justice, WILL NOT PROSECUTE A SITTING PRESIDENT.

It is the House Duty to Indict, and Senate to Convict. Mueller intimated as much in his summary of his report.

BARR also LIED about the report, and Mueller had to come out and correct the motherfucker.

The whole lot of them are nothing but criminals, and not very good ones at that.

When tRUmp gets the can this election, he, and his children will be in court the rest of their lives. If also not jail.