Manchester Bombing; why it's time to face facts

It is EDT, not EST unless you are in Nunavut, Quintana Roo, Jamaica or the Caymans. Get your facts straight.

I could handle being in Quintana Roo right now. Fuck Nunavut though. And fuck people who use time zones imprecisely. They are the fucking worst things ever.
Nothing else to do with YOUR life so you come on the forum to Flex your muscle. Yet another one that tries to join in.

..... I'm coming from a night on the town to this. You are speaking of time..
:rolleyes: Of course:hump:..he or she did' you know this.
I can't wait until these liberals kids grow up and have to deal with all this debt! If you think you're taxed now. Just wait until the debt causes a crisis. Because that is going to happen. All it takes is anything to cause interest to spike. We have to spend less not more. I don't care how great your ideas are if we can't pay for them.

If we had no debt and a surplus it would be different. Do you even realize the amount of people receiving government benefits rose 400% under your hero OBAMA? If he was so good and the economy was as great as you all love to believe. Why are all these people still collecting government aid rather than working. The unemployment number everyone loves to boast about isn't acurrate. That's because after awhile an unemployed person is no longer counted. So as far as the unemployment number they then aren't reflected in the number any longer. But they still don't have jobs. What they need to report is the under employed and the part time workers. Under obama having a part time job was good.

Um, that's a fake post. You sound just like that orange cocksucker in the WH. Just say wtf you want, I don't give a crap. W ran up the debt with 2 wars and then the your fucking republicans got their tit in a ringer due to O's blackness and wouldn't pay for the bills they ran up killing all those "terrorists" which, btw, just made things worse. Meanwhile, due to the deregulation of Wally Street (where taxes are much lower on your profits), the bastards about wrecked the economy with their casino style investments rules and put millions out of work and upside down in their mortgages. O and company passed a health bill that wasn't great but makes your republican'ts bill looks like it was written by the insurance companies and your evil fucking POS president says "it's the best we've had, all you people will love it and me too", fucking idiot. If I was a republican I'd hide in a hole until the nuclear fall out erodes enough to breath up top.
Um, that's a fake post. You sound just like that orange cocksucker in the WH. Just say wtf you want, I don't give a crap. W ran up the debt with 2 wars and then the your fucking republicans got their tit in a ringer due to O's blackness and wouldn't pay for the bills they ran up killing all those "terrorists" which, btw, just made things worse. Meanwhile, due to the deregulation of Wally Street (where taxes are much lower on your profits), the bastards about wrecked the economy with their casino style investments rules and put millions out of work and upside down in their mortgages. O and company passed a health bill that wasn't great but makes your republican'ts bill looks like it was written by the insurance companies and your evil fucking POS president says "it's the best we've had, all you people will love it and me too", fucking idiot. If I was a republican I'd hide in a hole until the nuclear fall out erodes enough to breath up top.