Well-Known Member
You only project your own thoughts. And as usual they are about yourself precisely.
i'm not the one making bigoted, fearful statements about muslim people. you are.
You only project your own thoughts. And as usual they are about yourself precisely.
i'm not the one making bigoted, fearful statements about muslim people. you are.
What bigoted fearful statements?
Would you treat him any differently if you were certain he was black?
the ones i quoted earlier, retard.
There were a lot more words in the post than the ones you cut and pasted here.
Nice basic computer skills though.
Astonishingly stupid. Bill Clinton handed Dubbya a strong economy AND a quarter trillion dollar a year budget surplus; the first fucking thing the new administration did was enact a giant tax cut for the rich that turned the surplus into a HALF trillion dollar deficit- and you'll recall the Great Crash he handed the Obama administration 8 years later.I can't wait until these liberals kids grow up and have to deal with all this debt! If you think you're taxed now. Just wait until the debt causes a crisis. Because that is going to happen. All it takes is anything to cause interest to spike. We have to spend less not more. I don't care how great your ideas are if we can't pay for them.
If we had no debt and a surplus it would be different. Do you even realize the amount of people receiving government benefits rose 400% under your hero OBAMA? If he was so good and the economy was as great as you all love to believe. Why are all these people still collecting government aid rather than working. The unemployment number everyone loves to boast about isn't acurrate. That's because after awhile an unemployed person is no longer counted. So as far as the unemployment number they then aren't reflected in the number any longer. But they still don't have jobs. What they need to report is the under employed and the part time workers. Under obama having a part time job was good.
none of which excuse your insecure bigotry, pussy.
I miss Uncle Ben.
are you talking about the same uncle ben who said "the only good muslim is a dead muslim"?
that uncle ben?
Yep. I'm sure he is. Ain't he just a sweetheart?are you talking about the same uncle ben who said "the only good muslim is a dead muslim"?
that uncle ben?
Everything you said is reasonable until you try to go Robin Hood.Foreign based propaganda incites people vulnerable to it, uses them as weapons against...
Countries who use flying robots and soldiers to come kill their own innocent wives and children. And their allies.
When 'we' kill 'them', it's patriotic! When they kill us, it's terrorism. Seriously? Noooooo, it's ALL terrorism. We just keep our contributions to the slaughter off the evening news.
It's time to stop killing people for profit.
The only way that's going to happen is if We the People take our government back from the corporations and the ultra rich who own them.
We must start with the abolition of Citizens United and campaign finance reform. Then we need to bring our government back to seeing after the interests and needs of our own citizens instead of bankrupting our children's future for a military industrial complex that will only end up killing everyone, US INCLUDED. We must outlaw trust funds and other forms of evading estate taxes because these are the means by which ARISTOCRACY is funded.
We have a lot of work to do to secure a better future for our children and children around the world.
If we Americans spent as much money helping people around the world as we do on killing them we would have to ask foreigners to please stop erecting monuments to our generosity instead of trying to kill us.
Yep. I'm sure he is. Ain't he just a sweetheart?
are you literally fucking retarded?
someone paying a million only pays 1.8% into social security because they only have to pay up on their first $118,000 you retard.
meanwhile, those of us making what normal americans make have to pay 15.3% on every single dollar we earn.
good job at proving that you know literally fucking nothing though. you just DQ-ed yourself from any sensible talks about taxation from now on, retard.
But he had good information
Im pretty sure you're doing the math wrong....retard![]()
No he isn't. You've just never made a million dollars- and you never will.Im pretty sure you're doing the math wrong....retard![]()
Lol now you're both retards![]()
"know what it takes to make a plant tick"
"make sure to keep the plant watered"
"harvest it as it needs harvesting"
"the only good muslim is a dead muslim"
"shoot those subhuman black mongrels"
"don't break the law and suck the sheriff's dick"
ahhhh, yes. uncle ben and his good information.
you are a fucking retard.