Manchester Bombing; why it's time to face facts

The war economy isn't going to fuel itself. Without war we wouldn't live any better than India the question is are you ready to stop living like a greedy pig? They can't stay on the internet all day in India they have to eat too life is not as simple as growing a couple plants.

Once the world realizes money isn't real the sooner we can get on with world peace and freedom. Everything is about money communism socialism capitalism Marxism.

Libertarian not so much if you are a liberal you are pro war pro arms deals conservative too Jill Stien all about money.
Tell the Jews to stop killing the natives...

I haven't killed any natives. I don't even want to kill ttystick. Lol.

Is it another Jewish family killing them?

How can you all have a discussion if every comment is hyperbole?

Or just an insult? Although it is entertaining kind of the way farts in class are.
keep trolling me. I have as much time as you do. Again as you said Fuck off. well you get it..:hump:
You have as much time as I do?
I grow for a living, which means I have a LOT of available time, unless it is harvest season which when then I don't.
What does your apparently useless self do with your existence? I doubt much more than sit at a keyboard and write shit.
So yea, I have time to fuck with you.
It will be my pleasure actually.

I have showed you respect in the way you spoke to me.

I gave him the same sentiment. Not triggered yet. The way you speak and use of tone, I give right back to anyone.

But your ideas are disrespectful in that you want us to quit complaining.

If you don't want to hear it, there are thousands of other threads here.
The war economy isn't going to fuel itself. Without war we wouldn't live any better than India the question is are you ready to stop living like a greedy pig?

This is simply flat wrong.

Defend your assertion.

We can spend our hard earned treasure on anything we want and we have in the past. The idea that we must build a war machine to have prosperity at home is as preposterous as it is wrongheaded.

America grew just fine when or defense budget was a tiny fraction of its current size, even relative to GDP. In fact, it grew faster.

The simple fact is that running a deficit to build an outlandish military entered the few at the expense of the many and impoverishes our children. WTF else do you think deficit spending actually is?

We have another economic crash coming, because we failed to learn the lessons of the last ones.

You have absolutely no foundation in economic thought, and that makes you as dangerous as you are foolhardy.
Awwwww triggered much?

Did you get all emotional when we threw your stupid condescensions back in your face?

Did you get mad when you realized that we're better informed that you?

Go find your own safe space, SNOWFLAKE.

This one is for people who can actually think for themselves.

This could not be better stated. @Lightgreen2k read this as many times as you can.

This is simply flat wrong.

Defend your assertion.

We can spend our hard earned treasure on anything we want and we have in the past. The idea that we must build a war machine to have prosperity at home is as preposterous as it is wrongheaded.

America grew just fine when or defense budget was a tiny fraction of its current size, even relative to GDP. In fact, it grew faster.

The simple fact is that running a deficit to build an outlandish military entered the few at the expense of the many and impoverishes our children. WTF else do you think deficit spending actually is?

We have another economic crash coming, because we failed to learn the lessons of the last ones.

You have absolutely no foundation in economic thought, and that makes you as dangerous as you are foolhardy.
Only problem what treasure can we trade? US dollars are nothing but paper they are not handing us gold from Fort Knox it's guarded by the Military Industrial Complex the corporation that controls America.

We have nothing but corn, rice, beef, etc. To trade just like India. Some gold can be found but not a whole lot and the oil rich land is already owned. We don't even have factories like we used to we ship empty shipping containers to China for our paper.

MAY 23, 2017
Manchester Attacks: What Price Hypocrisy?


The lack of a coherent anti-terrorism strategy in Washington and by extension the West, as emergency services deal with the devastating aftermath of yet another terrorist atrocity in Europe – this time a suicide bomb attack at a concert in Manchester, England – has been thrown into sharp relief during President Trump’s tour of the Middle East.

Specifically, on what planet can Iran be credibly accused of funding and supporting terrorism while Saudi Arabia is considered a viable partner in the fight against terrorism? This is precisely the narrative we are being invited to embrace by President Trump in what counts as a retreat from reality into the realms of fantasy, undertaken in service not to security but commerce.

Indeed those still struggling to understand why countries such as the US, UK, and France consistently seek to legitimise a Saudi regime that is underpinned by the medieval religious doctrine of Wahhabism, which is near indistinguishable from the medieval religious extremism and fanaticism of Daesh and Nusra in Syria – those people need look no further than the economic relations each of those countries enjoy with Riyadh.

The announcement that Washington has just sealed a mammoth deal with its Saudi ally on arms sales – worth $110 billion immediately and $350 billion over 10 years – is all the incentive the US political and media establishment requires to look the other way when it comes to the public beheadings, crucifixions, eye gouging, and other cruel and barbaric punishments meted out in the Kingdom on a regular basis.

The sheer unreality of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, as he stood shoulder to shoulder with President Trump during the latter’s state visit to the country recently, lamenting the chaos and carnage in Syria, which he described as having been “one of the most advanced countries” prior to a conflict that has wrought so much death and destruction, the sheer unreality of this is off the scale – and especially so considering the role the Saudis have played in providing material, financial, and ideological and religious support to groups engaged in the very carnage in Syria as has just been unleashed in Manchester.

There are times when the truth is not enough, when only the unvarnished truth will do, and in the wake of the Manchester attack – in which at time of writing 22 people have been killed and 60 injured – we cannot avoid the conclusion that neither principle nor rationality is driving Western foreign policy in the Middle East, or as it pertains to terrorism.

Instead it is being driven by unalloyed hypocrisy, to the extent that when such carnage occurs in Syria, as it has unremittingly over the past 6 years, the perpetrators are still described in some quarters as rebels and freedom fighters, yet when it takes place in Manchester or Paris or Brussels, etc., they are depicted as terrorists. Neither is it credible to continue to demonize governments that are in the front line against this terrorist menace – i.e. Iran, Russia, Syria – while courting and genuflecting at the feet of governments that are exacerbating it – i.e. Saudi Arabia, previously mentioned, along with Qatar, Kuwait, and Turkey. Here, too, mention must be made of the brutal and ongoing injustice meted out to the Palestinians by an Israeli government that shares with the Saudis a doctrine of religious exceptionalism and supremacy, one that is inimical to peace or the security of its own people.

Ultimately a choice has to be made between security and stability or economic and geopolitical advantage, with the flag of democracy and human rights losing its lustre in recent years precisely because the wrong choice has been made – in other words a Faustian pact with opportunism.

As the smoke clears, both literally and figuratively, from yet another terrorist atrocity, we are forced to consider how we arrived at this point. And when we do we cannot but understand the role of Western extremism in giving birth to and nourishing Salafi-jihadi extremism. Moreover, in the midst of the understandable and eminently justifiable grief we feel at events in Manchester, it behooves us not to forget the salient fact that Muslims have and continue to be the biggest victims of this terrorist menace, unleashed in the name of religious purity andsectarianism, and that it is Muslims who are also doing most to confront and fight it, whether in Syria, Iraq, Libya, or Afghanistan. It should not escape our rendering of the issue either that what each of those countries have in common is that they have all been victims of the Western extremism mentioned earlier.

It bears repeating: you cannot continue to invade, occupy, and subvert Muslim and Arab countries and not expect consequences. And when those consequences amount to the slaughter and maiming of your own citizens, the same tired and shallow platitudes we are ritually regaled with by politicians and leaders intent on bolstering their anti-terrorism and security credentials achieve little except induce nausea.

Enough is enough.

Helps put this shit into perspective, good piece. BTW, checked through the thread on the ''discussions" and found nothing of value. I'm starting to wonder about a couple of these people. Oh well...
The people you want to make peace with would invite you in to do so and then cut your head off and parade around with it.

They are permanent religious violent enemies

well, they will be as long as fragile, insecure bigots like you make them out to be the boogeyman.

pussified bigot.
Being that you live in Russia, I'd say that you have a poor idea what a fair share is. In this country, taxation is a time honored point of argument and debate. First, taxpayers argue and debate who to represent them in Congress. The budget is determined by argument between elected officials and after more argument they set federal taxes so that our children will pay a portion of that budget or maybe we will just default in the future, it's hard to predict. We then give a subsidy to international corporations as a sign of our good will.

Why don't you Russians understand this?
No I'd say it's you with the problem. Why is ok that some pay more than others? How'd you like to show up at Mickey Ds and they say the fair price for your burger is 35 bucks? I think you should look up the definition of fair.
No I'd say it's you with the problem. Why is ok that some pay more than others? How'd you like to show up at Mickey Ds and they say the fair price for your burger is 35 bucks? I think you should look up the definition of fair.

i paid 15.3% of my income to social security and medicare last year, and someone l=making a million dollars only paid 1.8% of their income to the same funds.

is that fair, dumbfuck?
Show me a rich person who made it all themselves. They're paying for many, many things the right wing media conveniently forgets to mention.

Family and intergenerational wealth is the gateway to aristocracy. It is a failed system, which is why our Founding Fathers had estate taxes to begin with.

The numbers you cite also fail to mention deductions and subsidies. What does the top line number matter if no one pays it anyway?
Who is it that exactly made these rich people rich? I've never met a business owner who didn't do it him or herself! This idea they didn't build something because they didn't pay for roads is nuts. These are the people who are paying the highest taxes. Hence the actually do pay more than their fair share of those services.

Any mega rich family got rich and payed their taxes. Or they'd be charged. If they don't pay and they're not charged that's our governments fault. But after they pay taxes it's their money! If they want to GIVE it to their family or ANYONE else that's their right they earned it!

If said rich man dies with a billion dollars. He's been taxed at the highest LEGAL rate. That's all they have to do. After that there should be any taxes on that money. If it's used to make more money the profits WILL be taxes. Don't forget they also pay tax every time they spend their money as well. What is that makes people believe that money should be taxed if they decided to leave it to their family.

If you win lotto would you want you kids to set for life? Or should the government take it because your dead?
i paid 15.3% of my income to social security and medicare last year, and someone l=making a million dollars only paid 1.8% of their income to the same funds.

is that fair, dumbfuck?
Look these guys pay someone to do their taxes. Those people get paid well. They don't do anything you couldn't do if you were in their situation. That's why I say NO DEDUCTIONS FOR ANYONE. ONE RATE FOR EVERYONE.

Once we are all taxed the same you'll think twice about wanting to give the government more money! Because they can't spend it properly. The government uses money very inefficiently.
Look these guys pay someone to do their taxes. Those people get paid well. They don't do anything you couldn't do if you were in their situation. That's why I say NO DEDUCTIONS FOR ANYONE. ONE RATE FOR EVERYONE.

Once we are all taxed the same you'll think twice about wanting to give the government more money! Because they can't spend it properly. The government uses money very inefficiently.

are you literally fucking retarded?

someone paying a million only pays 1.8% into social security because they only have to pay up on their first $118,000 you retard.

meanwhile, those of us making what normal americans make have to pay 15.3% on every single dollar we earn.

good job at proving that you know literally fucking nothing though. you just DQ-ed yourself from any sensible talks about taxation from now on, retard.