Manchester Bombing; why it's time to face facts

Wow, how astute!
Yea, this is a pot site, with many forums. Why don't you go to the LED forum for instance if you find Politics annoying.
Your are not in the right place it seems
I thought you said nothing could change it, what will be will be, right? Go get shit straight in your own head before you come here criticizing others.

I choose Not to. what are you GOING to do to me Directly. Type faster / make an assumption of what side my stance is on.

Continue to get worked up from a complete stranger.

YOUR day to day real life must be interesting the amount you post online...
its called trump derangement syndrome,and they do it for the "likes" because it makes them feel significant again.the shock of hillary losing was overwhelming to their emotions. let them vent their emotions or they might have a mental breakdown lol.

^^^^ this red herring is the new typical response to all legitimate criticisms of Trump and Republicans. Breitbart indoctrinates rapidly with rhetoric, and it almost always is a logical fallacy that omits all context to preserve the narrative.
Nothing triggered me.
I have not stated a political position.

What I did state is basically human progression will happen.

Everyday it's a new thread; on pretty much the same.

I'll ask you something different. Besides talking on this forum (Im not talking serving any time in the forces).
What have you done to prevent these happenings..
Speak out against them is what I'm doing. You advocate just wallowing in apathy. That's what got us into this mess.

Your views are apathetic and therefore pathetic.

If you don't like what's being said, don't read it.

Go watch car accident videos or something.
I choose Not to. what are you GOING to do to me Directly. Type faster / make an assumption of what side my stance is on.

Continue to get worked up from a complete stranger.

YOUR day to day real life must be interesting the amount you post online...

lol you are a retard. Do you know what a hypocrite is? Let me give you an example. A hypocrite is someone that comes into a politics section and wastes his time posting, criticizing others for wasting their time posting. What makes you a retard is that you know nothing about politics and try to mask that fact with " I don't know or care so nobody should care." You're right about one thing, I've wasted enough time on you.
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Foreign based propaganda incites people vulnerable to it, uses them as weapons against...

Countries who use flying robots and soldiers to come kill their own innocent wives and children. And their allies.

When 'we' kill 'them', it's patriotic! When they kill us, it's terrorism. Seriously? Noooooo, it's ALL terrorism. We just keep our contributions to the slaughter off the evening news.

It's time to stop killing people for profit.

The only way that's going to happen is if We the People take our government back from the corporations and the ultra rich who own them.

We must start with the abolition of Citizens United and campaign finance reform. Then we need to bring our government back to seeing after the interests and needs of our own citizens instead of bankrupting our children's future for a military industrial complex that will only end up killing everyone, US INCLUDED. We must outlaw trust funds and other forms of evading estate taxes because these are the means by which ARISTOCRACY is funded.

We have a lot of work to do to secure a better future for our children and children around the world.

If we Americans spent as much money helping people around the world as we do on killing them we would have to ask foreigners to please stop erecting monuments to our generosity instead of trying to kill us.
Why cannot a cannabis forum Just be that. Don't you have friends or wife in real life and community centers to spark change.

I'm not coming for you persay...

You wrote an essay..
For what?

What will be will BE.

will you be alive in 2100 No...
2200 No ....
2300 No....

Whatever is going on earth will happen. Just like that in human race will continue when you are dead. This right now is just a spec in time...
I wish they'd delete the whole political section. I'm tired of searching new posts and seeing these stupid political threads. They don't even have their own point of view. They just regurgitate what they see or hear on the liberal networks. Which isn't even based in facts. Their idol Obama days before he left office notified the courts that they ignored its ruling to create a system where citizens privacy wasn't being infringed on. They lied to the court for years saying they had created the system when that had actually done nothing! They also revealed to the court in its final days that they had abused their powers and revealed names of citizens to other agencies when there was no legal basis for doing so. WTF! And the left considers O a hero.

That man has managed to divide the country like I've NEVER seen in my lifetime. And I'm nearing 50. The media never held him to task for anything. The Iran deal he signed is awful!

In Os second election he mocked Romney for saying Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat. And obama laughed and said the 80s called and wanted their foreign policy back! 4 years later and his side loses the election and now suddenly Russia is back at the top of the list again. It was obama who was caught in a hot mic saying if he won his second election he'd be free to work with Russia!

During the Sochi Olympics everyone knew that after the closing ceromony that Russia was going to invade Crimea. They even mentioned it during the Olympic coverage but Obama said that wasn't going to happen because that's not how countries act in the 21st century. What happened? Crimea was take from Ukraine. Many don't remember but when Ukraine left the ussr Russia wanted the nukes and Ukraine didn't want to give them up because otherwise it would be to easy for Russia to take them over. Well we the USA said we would protect them from Russian aggression. But O did nothing but talk. He was the weakest worst president since jimmy carter.

We need the media to report honestly and fairly on BOTH SIDES! They need to leave their political points of view out of it and just report the facts! Neither is perfect. We need to get our debt under control and that means there will be less money for a great many things.

I'm tired of hearing that a reduction in increases is a CUT! If we spent 100 billion on something last year and that was to be increased by 10% the following year. Increasing by only 5% is no cut. It's a freaking increase for gods sakes. But that's not how they report it. They just skip the facts and say people will die. Guess what people die every day. And that will never change.
Foreign based propaganda incites people vulnerable to it, uses them as weapons against...

Countries who use flying robots and soldiers to come kill their own innocent wives and children. And their allies.

When 'we' kill 'them', it's patriotic! When they kill us, it's terrorism. Seriously? Noooooo, it's ALL terrorism. We just keep our contributions to the slaughter off the evening news.

It's time to stop killing people for profit.

The only way that's going to happen is if We the People take our government back from the corporations and the ultra rich who own them.

We must start with the abolition of Citizens United and campaign finance reform. Then we need to bring our government back to seeing after the interests and needs of our own citizens instead of bankrupting our children's future for a military industrial complex that will only end up killing everyone, US INCLUDED. We must outlaw trust funds and other forms of evading estate taxes because these are the means by which ARISTOCRACY is funded.

We have a lot of work to do to secure a better future for our children and children around the world.

If we Americans spent as much money helping people around the world as we do on killing them we would have to ask foreigners to please stop erecting monuments to our generosity instead of trying to kill us.
Those estates were taxed already. You want a second piece because someone died! The problem isn't taxes its spending! What we need is to get people back to work supporting themselves. A government that gives you everything is a government that can take everything! Check out Venezuela!
I keep hearing this term PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Do you know close to half the people in our country don't pay ANY federal taxes at all! Tell me how fair that is!

Fair should mean EQUAL. Pick a percentage 10,20,30,40,50,60,70. How much of YOUR money is it FAIR for the government to take? What ever number you decide should also be good enough for EVERYONE else to pay as well.

If you think the rich should give up 70% to taxes. They you should also be fine with paying 70% yourself. And I'm not rich by any means. But fair is fair.
I keep hearing this term PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Do you know close to half the people in our country don't pay ANY federal taxes at all! Tell me how fair that is!

Fair should mean EQUAL. Pick a percentage 10,20,30,40,50,60,70. How much of YOUR money is it FAIR for the government to take? What ever number you decide should also be good enough for EVERYONE else to pay as well.

If you think the rich should give up 70% to taxes. They you should also be fine with paying 70% yourself. And I'm not rich by any means. But fair is fair.
Being that you live in Russia, I'd say that you have a poor idea what a fair share is. In this country, taxation is a time honored point of argument and debate. First, taxpayers argue and debate who to represent them in Congress. The budget is determined by argument between elected officials and after more argument they set federal taxes so that our children will pay a portion of that budget or maybe we will just default in the future, it's hard to predict. We then give a subsidy to international corporations as a sign of our good will.

Why don't you Russians understand this?
I wish they'd delete the whole political section. I'm tired of searching new posts and seeing these stupid political threads. They don't even have their own point of view. They just regurgitate what they see or hear on the liberal networks. Which isn't even based in facts. Their idol Obama days before he left office notified the courts that they ignored its ruling to create a system where citizens privacy wasn't being infringed on. They lied to the court for years saying they had created the system when that had actually done nothing! They also revealed to the court in its final days that they had abused their powers and revealed names of citizens to other agencies when there was no legal basis for doing so. WTF! And the left considers O a hero.

That man has managed to divide the country like I've NEVER seen in my lifetime. And I'm nearing 50. The media never held him to task for anything. The Iran deal he signed is awful!

In Os second election he mocked Romney for saying Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat. And obama laughed and said the 80s called and wanted their foreign policy back! 4 years later and his side loses the election and now suddenly Russia is back at the top of the list again. It was obama who was caught in a hot mic saying if he won his second election he'd be free to work with Russia!

During the Sochi Olympics everyone knew that after the closing ceromony that Russia was going to invade Crimea. They even mentioned it during the Olympic coverage but Obama said that wasn't going to happen because that's not how countries act in the 21st century. What happened? Crimea was take from Ukraine. Many don't remember but when Ukraine left the ussr Russia wanted the nukes and Ukraine didn't want to give them up because otherwise it would be to easy for Russia to take them over. Well we the USA said we would protect them from Russian aggression. But O did nothing but talk. He was the weakest worst president since jimmy carter.

We need the media to report honestly and fairly on BOTH SIDES! They need to leave their political points of view out of it and just report the facts! Neither is perfect. We need to get our debt under control and that means there will be less money for a great many things.

I'm tired of hearing that a reduction in increases is a CUT! If we spent 100 billion on something last year and that was to be increased by 10% the following year. Increasing by only 5% is no cut. It's a freaking increase for gods sakes. But that's not how they report it. They just skip the facts and say people will die. Guess what people die every day. And that will never change.
We agree on more than we disagree on.

Unfortunately, consensus building isn't exploitable like division is.
I keep hearing this term PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Do you know close to half the people in our country don't pay ANY federal taxes at all! Tell me how fair that is!

Fair should mean EQUAL. Pick a percentage 10,20,30,40,50,60,70. How much of YOUR money is it FAIR for the government to take? What ever number you decide should also be good enough for EVERYONE else to pay as well.

If you think the rich should give up 70% to taxes. They you should also be fine with paying 70% yourself. And I'm not rich by any means. But fair is fair.
Show me a rich person who made it all themselves. They're paying for many, many things the right wing media conveniently forgets to mention.

Family and intergenerational wealth is the gateway to aristocracy. It is a failed system, which is why our Founding Fathers had estate taxes to begin with.

The numbers you cite also fail to mention deductions and subsidies. What does the top line number matter if no one pays it anyway?
I keep hearing this term PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Do you know close to half the people in our country don't pay ANY federal taxes at all! Tell me how fair that is!

I don't know who has got their hand up your ass little sock puppet but your nonsensical statement is demonstrably false.

"At the outset, we should dispel the myth that 47 percent of Americans pay absolutely nothing in federal taxes.

Because all working Americans are obligated to pay payroll taxes—the money that supports Social Security and Medicare automatically withdrawn from our paychecks—the actual number of households in America paying nothing was closer to 17 percent in 2009 and, more typically, 14 percent in non-recessionary years."
I don't know who has got their hand up your ass little sock puppet but your nonsensical statement is demonstrably false.

"At the outset, we should dispel the myth that 47 percent of Americans pay absolutely nothing in federal taxes.

Because all working Americans are obligated to pay payroll taxes—the money that supports Social Security and Medicare automatically withdrawn from our paychecks—the actual number of households in America paying nothing was closer to 17 percent in 2009 and, more typically, 14 percent in non-recessionary years."
the correct right wing response is "fake news".
lol you are a retard. Do you know what a hypocrite is? Let me give you an example. A hypocrite is someone that comes into a politics section and wastes his time posting, criticizing others for wasting there time posting. What makes you a retard is that you know nothing about politics and try to mask that fact with " I don't know or care so nobody should care." You're right about one thing, I've wasted enough time on you.

That's Right Im retarded what else.
Lets keep this going forever.
You are absolutely correct in everything.

shows how smart you are.
Weren't you the one complaining about this being a waste of time? Sooooooo stop wasting your time here!
Im not coming at you. But in all the political threads that you have started. Have you seen change in the way you want it to be. You have started a lot of similar ones. This is just a question.

I was complaining everytime you press new post more politics comes up.
Show me a rich person who made it all themselves. They're paying for many, many things the right wing media conveniently forgets to mention.

Family and intergenerational wealth is the gateway to aristocracy. It is a failed system, which is why our Founding Fathers had estate taxes to begin with.

The numbers you cite also fail to mention deductions and subsidies. What does the top line number matter if no one pays it anyway?
Bill Gates, Joe Kennedy, many made it on their own Michael Jordan. I'm sure I can find a lot more Tiger Woods rich as fuck. :)

You still have opportunity as long as you don't stay in the hood working at McDonald's.
You have No idea who I am. Position in Life or what Not. You will be Dead In 70 years most and then what. You life sucks to let a single post get you up in arms.

A simple post. It's 10:34 Est Do something with your useless life instead of letting a post get to you..

I have know need to swear or try to insult you as My life is not incomplete as yours.
You seem pretty upset and a little emotional.
Why, is the political forum getting to you?
Then get the fuck outta Dodge, if that's the case
Oh, and it's NO need, not KNOW need (dick) by the way, so why not complete your life and get an education on how to write intelligibly.
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