Manchester Bombing; why it's time to face facts

Who is it that exactly made these rich people rich? I've never met a business owner who didn't do it him or herself! This idea they didn't build something because they didn't pay for roads is nuts. These are the people who are paying the highest taxes. Hence the actually do pay more than their fair share of those services.

Any mega rich family got rich and payed their taxes. Or they'd be charged. If they don't pay and they're not charged that's our governments fault. But after they pay taxes it's their money! If they want to GIVE it to their family or ANYONE else that's their right they earned it!

If said rich man dies with a billion dollars. He's been taxed at the highest LEGAL rate. That's all they have to do. After that there should be any taxes on that money. If it's used to make more money the profits WILL be taxes. Don't forget they also pay tax every time they spend their money as well. What is that makes people believe that money should be taxed if they decided to leave it to their family.

If you win lotto would you want you kids to set for life? Or should the government take it because your dead?
Poor conservative people like you are fucking stupid.
Who is it that exactly made these rich people rich? I've never met a business owner who didn't do it him or herself! This idea they didn't build something because they didn't pay for roads is nuts. These are the people who are paying the highest taxes. Hence the actually do pay more than their fair share of those services.

Any mega rich family got rich and payed their taxes. Or they'd be charged. If they don't pay and they're not charged that's our governments fault. But after they pay taxes it's their money! If they want to GIVE it to their family or ANYONE else that's their right they earned it!

If said rich man dies with a billion dollars. He's been taxed at the highest LEGAL rate. That's all they have to do. After that there should be any taxes on that money. If it's used to make more money the profits WILL be taxes. Don't forget they also pay tax every time they spend their money as well. What is that makes people believe that money should be taxed if they decided to leave it to their family.

If you win lotto would you want you kids to set for life? Or should the government take it because your dead?
Right. All those employees are freeloaders.
Right. All those employees are freeloaders.
lol what the hell? Workers get paid for services rendered. Are you claiming they don't get paid? What's that got to do with anything? And no they didn't build the business. They came to work. Big deal! Putting their money at risk is what built that business. It also what put food and salary in those workers pockets. If they didn't make a profit their jobs would be gone and the owner would have lost money. Then deducted it from their taxes. And then you'd complain about that too.
If they only paid that much there is a reason for it! What don't you get? The hire experts!


I do and I suggest everyone else does. I know you all idiolize warren Buffett. He claims he pays less than his secretary and complains about it. He can send a check with as much as he'd like to the IRS anytime he wants. He also fails to tell the world his money is earned differently than his secretary. Capital gains is taxes differently BECAUSE IT IS MADE WITH MONEY THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED! If he pays himself a salary he would be taxed at a higher rate! It's comparing apples and oranges. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

In the future if you can't speak without calling people names why don't you delete your post rather than hitting send. Every night your on here acting like a fool. Preaching to your your liberal friends and calling anyone with a differing opinion retarded. That like makes you sound that why if you haven't figured it out.

But I guess it's your go to line and if that's the best you can do there must be a reason. I'm guess lack of IQ.
This post is a nightmare of spelling and grammatical errors which leads me to wonder why you ended with:

I'm guess lack of IQ.

Fucking adorable!
Poor conservative people like you are fucking stupid.
What ever! Obama added 10 trillion to our debt. And a lot of good it's done. We are still waiting for those shovel ready jobs he had lined up too. Just blame the rich guys for your problems. If the rich would just support me life would be so great!
This post is a nightmare of spelling and grammatical errors which leads me to wonder why you ended with:

Fucking adorable!
That's my auto correct but that's ok. If it makes you feel better ---> I'm glad to be here to help be the butt of your joke. At least it doesn't cost me more money.
I can't wait until these liberals kids grow up and have to deal with all this debt! If you think you're taxed now. Just wait until the debt causes a crisis. Because that is going to happen. All it takes is anything to cause interest to spike. We have to spend less not more. I don't care how great your ideas are if we can't pay for them.

If we had no debt and a surplus it would be different. Do you even realize the amount of people receiving government benefits rose 400% under your hero OBAMA? If he was so good and the economy was as great as you all love to believe. Why are all these people still collecting government aid rather than working. The unemployment number everyone loves to boast about isn't acurrate. That's because after awhile an unemployed person is no longer counted. So as far as the unemployment number they then aren't reflected in the number any longer. But they still don't have jobs. What they need to report is the under employed and the part time workers. Under obama having a part time job was good.
No, he did not, dumdum. You do not understand how deficits and the debt work. But why change the subject?
Right back at ya brother. We went from 10 to 20 trillion during his term.

You better believe in 4 or 8 years you're going to put every penny over 20 trill on trump! So don't you dare try that BS.

I've seen enough clowns for today. Time to leave the circus.
He's a child can't come here without calling people infantile names. Unless you believe exactly as he does.
Yup that's @UncleBuck for you and if you give it right back you will get banned not Buck.

I love it guy calls people racist while asking for a picture of my elbow to prove I'm black. Lol
Right back at ya brother. We went from 10 to 20 trillion during his term.
Again, you unmitigated dumbass, you obviously don't understand how the deficit and the debt work. Here's your first clue: they are not the same thing. Chew on that and then answer me this: had revenue and spending been held at the exact levels from 2008-on as they were in 2007, what would the debt be today? You are dumb.
lol what the hell? Workers get paid for services rendered. Are you claiming they don't get paid? What's that got to do with anything? And no they didn't build the business. They came to work. Big deal! Putting their money at risk is what built that business. It also what put food and salary in those workers pockets. If they didn't make a profit their jobs would be gone and the owner would have lost money. Then deducted it from their taxes. And then you'd complain about that too.
You are as stupid about business as you are about taxes.

Typical moron; talking like they're an expert about things they don't know shit about.