Mandala Seeds - Hashberry Grow


Well-Known Member
hey all, thanks for all the comments folks! :joint:

Yeah, the smoke is nice. Real smooth and mellow, I like it a lot. It's certainly not the strongest weed I've had, but it's lovely to smoke. Def a good day time smoke.

My only regret about this grow is not starting more than 4 seeds. Having only the one female plant is just not enough and it's nearly ALL gone already. I'm gonna be dry until my Jack's are finished (5 weeks ish!) It's going to be tough!!


Well-Known Member
Ive just ordered some hashberry after seeing this journal. I love the fat dense buds, so sexy. Cant wait to start these babies off :D


Well-Known Member
Ive just ordered some hashberry after seeing this journal. I love the fat dense buds, so sexy. Cant wait to start these babies off :D
Thanks man, that's cool :) Good luck with your grow. I think you will like the Hashberry.

man, what was the final yield? i cant find it!!!
Sorry dude, I have no idea as I never weighed this grow I'm afraid. It was only one plant and it was never going to last me long, so I just didn't bother weighing it. It was over an Oz though, but under 2. Maybe just under 1.5 oz, as a guestimate.


Well-Known Member
why dont people weigh the product?
i go around and see many journals and alot of big journals with people using bucket systems never post the final yield to plant ratio? yyYYYyyYYyyYYyYYyY????


Well-Known Member
Again, sorry man...I would of done if i had more than one plant and if I was planning on growing more of the same strain, but I'm not. So I didn't really care. And I started smoking it before it was properly dried/cured (needs must), so it would not of been an accurate weigh in anyway.

My Jack Herers will be weighed when done. But only cos I'm planning on growing this strain out to it's max potential and I want to know if anything I change in my grow methods improves my yield. So I will weigh plants when harvested wet and dry, but for comparison reasons only. I don't sell what I grow, so really, it doesn't matter to me what it weighs. As long as I have a BIG jar full of's mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
dude, ur right, smoke on man, but plz weight ur shyt!!! cuz for real, when we watch a journal and see your success of growing and being able to smoke is a great accomplishment already but to see how you did it, follow what you did and not see how much it weighs? see if you told us how much it weigh, some out there could been like hey, i got 3 oz from my hashberry, try this this this that that that...but of course your setup IS NICE!!! im gonna post some pic of my dwc stealth cabinet soon, as soon as i can find my USB cord for it!....