Mandala seeds


Hi there. New here, and wanted some input on mandala seeds. I just got 10 hashberry seeds from attitude. Does anyone have experience with mandala or hashberry? How the seeds were germinated, and success rate? The mandala site says not to soak seeds or use paper towel. Thanks!


Active Member
i just finished hashberry and am pretty dissapointed. Just not that nice at all. I have their 8 mile high vegging and lets hope it is much better, If not no more mandela for me.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
no 1st hand experience, just that the mandala genetics are on my long 'to grow' list
lot of fans of mandala, though i have seen mixed experiences on the hashberry, some seem to say it's not that potent
some of the other strains sound interesting like satori and speed queen
many of his strains are supposed to be very heat tolerant


Well-Known Member
white satin, good yield and a fair smoke loves the heat.
speed queen medium yeild . (2.75oz) under 600hps nice smpke , smooth,.
hashberry . medium yeild fairly heat resistant good flavour but low on punch 5/10 and spider mites love this one.
satori i have bur not grown yet.

over all mandala has good germ rate, good with heat , staible with less feno variatian.
well worth there money to date in my book. rate them a lot better than navarna over all for there money.
but afro-pips are even better starting around the same price.

growem green --------------------spike.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i love my satori and am growing out another two females. The one strain i've heard not so great things about is hashberry...sorry. not strong enough or tasty enough for those that i've known who grew it. All raves for Satori, and i'm hearing some good stuff about Sadhu and 8 miles high.


Active Member
i have a ganesh grow journal nearing the end of its life if you want to check it out in my sig. i really like mandala genetics, i have grown their satori (which was amazing) all of their strains stay very small and yield very well. i would definitely recommend them and IMO i think they are some superior genetics. top quality for the low price you pay for them.

they are very good beginner strains too, very heat resistant and likes medium/heavy nutes; heavy obviously during the last weeks of flowering before flush.


Active Member
heres some pics of my ganesh buds. they still have 1-2 weeks left. this one was fimmed, lollipopped, and lst'd heavily.

as you can see i have given it a little bit of a nitrogen deficiency due to over feeding of epsom salts.

even with that stress she is still producing extremely dense buds. and they smell sort of fruity with a nice chocolate undertone.



Well-Known Member
Hashberry is one of my all time faves. She is super easy to grow and what I would call a medium yield plant. Been growing her a while and IMO she is a doll. In fact I popped 2 hashberry beans just this morning.



New Member
Grew out the Satori and Afri mix. Both germed at 100% and got about 70/30 fem/male ratio. Both grew very strong and healthy, and one of my Afri's seemed to attract ALL of the spider mites within a square mile. It just grew right through them after I applied some oil only once to it.

Good genetics, good landrace base stock.