Mandatory Covid Vaccination is coming!

Well look im not trying to be smart look afew weeks ago I thought I was doing the right thing and getting vaccinated so I could work etc but to be honest I made the wrong decision I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong look I believe now I personally made the wrong decision because I know people that have had it some young some old some with even fucking enthasema from smoking for years and just like the flu they told Me this them selves u know what none of them were vaccinated and were totally fine look I ain't trying to convince no one not to get a stupid jab but my question is why in the hell are they making us all it to me is really bullshit and scare tactics and after the things I've seen and watched doctors and scientists say about the vaccine well I'm a little confused in why the government who are meant to have our backs are pushing it on us
I don't think there's a government in history that's had it's citizens backs.
I LOL at Libs posting RINOs as if it's suppose to hurt the MAGA cause. These people are targeted and by voting for Lib polices they put the target on their back themselves.

You are watching a movie or two or three.