Mandatory Covid Vaccination is coming!

I want a certain reaction from a certain group and want to move the conversation on vaccination to a new plane. ;) The time for questions is over, we now know the important answers, vaccines work very well and are safe, much safer than many common drugs. I figure tying POV to a national standard voter ID is a great idea! I mean the republicans are all for voter ID and I figure the feds should provide one! :lol:
I am vaccinated right but I still believe its a choice no one should be told this is the only way vaccines ain't 100% either so really what was the point it don't cure u it don't stop you from getting it or passing it on wont stop you from even dieing from it look im saying this stuff with an open mind of both sides but after doing research into other vaccines for other things like polio for example it's kind of worrying to be honest
I am vaccinated right but I still believe its a choice no one should be told this is the only way vaccines ain't 100% either so really what was the point it don't cure u it don't stop you from getting it or passing it on wont stop you from even dieing from it look im saying this stuff with an open mind of both sides but after doing research into other vaccines for other things like polio for example it's kind of worrying to be honest
No. Civic duty is real. Don’t give antis a pass; they are engaging in treason.

No mandate for smaller businesses with 99 or fewer employees. Remember when righties were crying about how the mandates were hurting small businesses? Well now you're at an inverse crossroads. If you think Covid is nothing, then the gov't is protecting small businesses(and itself). If you think Covid is a killer, then the gov't is harming small business(and itself).
I get the flu vaccine every year, but still get the flu. Vaccines aren't cures. Everyone has rights as human beings and no vaccine should ever be forced. Thats wrong.

I'd agree, but "forced" is quite the gray area. Generally speaking, the gov't always needs to leave you an "out" to avoid the "forced" part. You can always go work for a company that's exempt. You can always test weekly. You have choices, so it doesn't qualify as "forced". What people really mean is "inconvenienced" and you don't have a right from being inconvenienced.
I get the flu vaccine every year, but still get the flu. Vaccines aren't cures. Everyone has rights as human beings and no vaccine should ever be forced. Thats wrong.
And yet when there is a 20% residue “because freedom” and they’re doing big harm, do you not give that a valuation?
And yet when there is a 20% residue “because freedom” and they’re doing big harm, do you not give that a valuation?
Doesn't matter to me either way. Vaccd or not i really dont care. I think this is all a bunch of shit to begin with. Sister in law is vaccd, caught covid, father in law, vaccd. Got covid, wife is vaccd. Got covid. I have a 2 year old and 6 year old. Neither one of them or myself are vaccd and we were in the same house as my wife and never caught covid. Its just another flu.

By the way, i dont wear a mask.
I get the flu vaccine every year, but still get the flu. Vaccines aren't cures. Everyone has rights as human beings and no vaccine should ever be forced. Thats wrong.

You're 24 years old, and you get the flu every year after getting a flu shot???

Wow! You're a sick puppy.

You're 24 years old, and you get the flu every year after getting a flu shot???

Wow! You're a sick puppy.


I am actually always sick.
Compromised immune system, ANA markers, low blood sugar, high white blood cell count, in and out of doctors for the last 7 years. Never feel good, always sleep, fused back, can not work.
Thanks though
Doesn't matter to me either way. Vaccd or not i really dont care. I think this is all a bunch of shit to begin with. Sister in law is vaccd, caught covid, father in law, vaccd. Got covid, wife is vaccd. Got covid. I have a 2 year old and 6 year old. Neither one of them or myself are vaccd and we were in the same house as my wife and never caught covid. Its just another flu.

By the way, i dont wear a mask.
I am actually always sick.
Compromised immune system, ANA markers, low blood sugar, high white blood cell count, in and out of doctors for the last 7 years. Never feel good, always sleep, fused back, can not work.
Thanks though

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Nobody is 'forcing' people to get vaccinated, no matter what right wing propagandists will tell you.
I get the flu vaccine every year, but still get the flu. Vaccines aren't cures. Everyone has rights as human beings and no vaccine should ever be forced. Thats wrong.
Your rights end when it jeopardizes others
Kinda like driving with headlights
What is in it is teenytiny things that headbutt every virus particle they find.
How is that not a like.
Do u know that by putting the protein in us with out the virus causes us harm to it rolls around our body leaving scar tissue in our heart our lungs liver etc look im vaccinated and I'm only learning this my self and I'm kind of wishing I didn't get it hows that for reality
Do u know that by putting the protein in us with out the virus causes us harm to it rolls around our body leaving scar tissue in our heart our lungs liver etc look im vaccinated and I'm only learning this my self and I'm kind of wishing I didn't get it hows that for reality

Can you post something which discusses the distinction in damage between spike proteins from Covid and spike proteins from vaccines?
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This is my question what is the vaccine doing nin my body when I don't ever get covid like I am questioning the fact that people that have died from covid OK but just as many people die having taken the vaccine so how does that work in reality it just don't make sense does it and I'm full vaccinated I got my kids vaccinations and told them all it was the right thing to do now I'm not to sure aye I think I fucked up and kind of put there lives in my hands and I regret my decision thats something I will have to deal with now but that's just it why have they let these vaccines become mandatory no jab no job what's that shit like seriously