Mandtids - Preying Mantis - Elf - Entity Hallucinations


Active Member
my eyes were wide open...i wish i could've seen them. i only got to hear em.
im for sure gonna have to speak with them...i need some good shit lol


Well-Known Member
I've seen the entities plenty of times on DMT, a few times on GREAT shrooms, and once on acid.

I have tried to extract information that i was not aware of from them to no avail.

They were only able to say/tell me things I already knew or have heard verbatim from other sources before.

This leads me to believe that these entities are, in fact, a product of your own infinitely powerful mind.

No hyperspace, no other dimension, just imagination.

It's drugs people, you can learn things from them, but not more than you already know.

Trust :joint:
this question is for all who have seen these beings....

were your eyes open or closed?
eyes open and shut on salvia
closed on dmt
seen people forms in the shadows on acid and shrooms too and many a face form within the embers of a fire

im with inthewoods on this its a construct of your own mind, seeing faces in things is very common even when your straight look at stuff like the face in the moon or when your driving down country lanes and you think you see people at the side of the road, its just the psychedelics that give them extra form and life


Well-Known Member
ive only had these experiences from salvia, and meditation. imo meditation is the key to getting the most out of our "tools"


Well-Known Member
Lol, on enough DMT it doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed, you see the same shit.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I was going to say ... that if you remember if your eyes are open or closed ..... you need to take more drugs ... lol

I am just going to put this clip here ... cause i love watching it ... for some odd reason .... oh ya ... new sound dub.


Well researched scene in production ... notice all the players and patterns ...


I would agree with you that the pshycadelic trip is all in our mind. But with Dmt i really have seen some shapes and colors that ive never seen before, shouldnt even be calling them shapes cuz it surrounds us all. But that was bout it, i have met a few friendly entities and had a great time with them. but has anyone felt like they might just have a much to powerful substance with Dmt, I have smoked it many times now, and it seems like the more i smoked it the deeper i would travel thru space, yet i get a weird feeling now, i dont wanna say negative, but it is kind of dark. anyone feel this??


Well-Known Member
How clean is your DMT? I have read that if you have impurities from the root bark, that the alkaloids present will give you a darker experience. Is your DMT a brown to yellow paste or white crystals?

Also I know what you mean about seeing shapes and colors you have never seen before. I see patters on the walls in DMT world that are very unfamiliar to me. These patterns reoccur in trips but are not always present. I have looked up pictures to see how other people try and interpret their experiences. One thing I found interesting was with the artwork from the Shipibo natives in Peru who are known to drink ayahuasca. Their patterns resemble the ones I see so well. *



Well-Known Member
i wonder how our world's art and design would have been if hallucinogens never existed......
same with our fairy tale stories, alice, wonderland, elves, gnomes, aliens...etc


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