Mane's Indoor Summer Extoic Grow


Well-Known Member
mine are under 600 hps going on thier second set of Ieaves , growing fast. no prob. here,But i have aIready done this about 30 times,haha... neverthe Iess i run 2 600 watt hps ,hortiIux buIbs ,air cooIed. and soon after thier 10 days oId i teach them to waIk, and they Iearn pretty fast.
i do rotaion gardens mostly and with clones but every so often got to start overfrom start
most times i leave them 3 somtimes4 weeks
but i seen your buds so cant qustion your methods


Well-Known Member
its only 11 pages for me, set my control panel to 40 posts per page, less page loading up, it takes ages on my internet at times.


Well-Known Member
mane hasnt posted in here since 9/26. thats over a week, so im thinkin somethings gotta be up with that. hope all is well


Well-Known Member
bra i had to cut the grow out until my shit gets together, fuckin case. So i'll be back up in the winter