Mane's Indoor Summer Extoic Grow


Well-Known Member
Coming along good, gonna have to bum some AI, and PPP clones off ya when they get up. ;) was thinkin bout ordering some more this evening... I really wanna know how the nutes work out.


Well-Known Member
they got stunted like fuck, overfert and drying out of rockwool when fans went out cause switch flipped.


Well-Known Member
put the poor things out of thier misery and start over ..
no fert for first three weeks

no offence mane but what are the rest of you peeps looking at ..
i had to look at the thread 3 times to make sure that i wasnt missing something


Well-Known Member
dude i need to cop some seed i dont wanna start my tchbombs or the church till my birthday.
Proly order some tonight or tomorrow.

I know ive been chopping alot of them and just sayin fuck it.
I wont be letting my gf change shit dealing w/ hydro anymore.

they are talking about the soil plants i guess and the 2 AI.


Well-Known Member
fuck man.
put those things out of thier misery and start over
do not fert for first three weeks

no offence thier mane
but what the fuck you other peeps looking at i looked at tread and pics three times to make sure i was not missing something


Well-Known Member
dont know how that happen first did not show on my comp.
so i posted again sorry dude
may have been that bud i am somking


Well-Known Member
On the first page of this thread below Mane's posts, it has attatched thumbnails, click on em and they get bigger... I can see em fine, dunno what the malfunction on your end is... Grow em how u wanna Mane, fuck haters! It just shows they got bitch in em. :fire:

Haters n Bitch in em was a general statement Weezer. I'm straight forward, would address you directly if I was referring to you.


Well-Known Member
On the first page of this thread below Mane's posts, it has attatched thumbnails, click on em and they get bigger... I can see em fine, dunno what the malfunction on your end is... Grow em how u wanna Mane, fuck haters! It just shows they got bitch in em. :fire:
didnt say nothing hate full..
no bitch in me just green in my thumb


Well-Known Member
Mane dont let your girl touch your setup man. one grower per plant. they gunna get mixed messages if all kindsa people are messin with them.


Well-Known Member
i feel you but i had to dip off and handle some shit, so she said she'd do it while i was gone.
didn't follow what i wrote down.
I just shoulda took the time to do it.