Mane's Winter cooking multi-strain garden grow :D


Well-Known Member
WOW bro you have huge buds! Sorry i haven't been apart of your grow, i mostly stay in cfl growing part of the forums, I'll start checking back on this now though!
Thanks for taking alook at mine


Well-Known Member
WOW bro you have huge buds! Sorry i haven't been apart of your grow, i mostly stay in cfl growing part of the forums, I'll start checking back on this now though!
Thanks for taking alook at mine
Thanks milly. the frost on your auto is getting pretty amazing :weed:


Well-Known Member
thanks man :). for those intrigued by the Tangerine Dream here's what they are looking like today on day 27 of veg. couldn't do much of a side by side comparison the smart pot needs to be watered back if moved :/. If it lives up to the hype most def. a keeper.

got my beans too :bigjoint:
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Well-Known Member
hey dude...i recently got in a cali conenct order of sour og, deadhead og and tahoe og....i planted 10 on the 12th, only 3 have popped up so far. i think i got a bunk batch....keep me posted on your germ rate with this order, itll be interesting either way. im still giving a few more days for the others to pop, otherwise im cutting it as a loss.


Well-Known Member
planted str8 seed? or a germed seed into the sol? either way 7days seems a little long to not see any kind of progress. I only got 1 Tahoe OG but i'll def let you know if it germs/sprouts. Hoping for a female so BAD. but the others i got germing I def. let you know about too.

Couple more days I say uncover the soil and see whats poppin. Best of Luck with all of them esp. the Tahoe and Deadhead. WBW is getting some good results with those two.
there's his journal
thanks man :). for those intrigued by the Tangerine Dream here's what they are looking like today on day 27 of veg. couldn't do much of a side by side comparison the smart pot needs to be watered back if moved :/. If it lives up to the hype most def. a keeper.

got my beans too :bigjoint:
View attachment 1450063
Sounds good,looking good and glad you got the beans..Funny thing is i received my sour og in a baggie that had feminised on it too lmao..
hey dude...i recently got in a cali conenct order of sour og, deadhead og and tahoe og....i planted 10 on the 12th, only 3 have popped up so far. i think i got a bunk batch....keep me posted on your germ rate with this order, itll be interesting either way. im still giving a few more days for the others to pop, otherwise im cutting it as a loss.
I would dig it up see whats going on with those..I tell you the deadhead and tahoe are def keepers male or female..Mine stink and are putting out alot of frost.I hope all pulls thru for you but so far ive been having good germ rate with all cali connection strains and i got quite a few


Well-Known Member
i planted seeds in straight roots soil. i dug up a tahoe yesterday....seed didnt even split. i think i am gonna check them all tonight and throw em in some rooting cubes and see what happens. most assuredly nothing, but its wortha shot.


Well-Known Member
I'll post details later...
[video=youtube;UfRY-45k-vA] [/video]


Well-Known Member
Vanilla Kush 1; Day 75 I'll let it go 2 more days then it's done. won't run again. becoming very ripe.
Vanilla Kush 2; Day 56 just fed for the last today. The flush will begin Thursday, I'm impressed with this plant. With some fine tuning and maximum training yield will be even bigger.

TD1; Day 28, will go 7 more days in the grow bag then I'm upgrading to the 7gal, and veg for 3-4 more weeks. The 7gall is deep but not so wide:bigjoint:. Just been giving water with beneficial's every 4-5days or so. Lst'ing is the training being used.
TD2; Day 28, veg will be about 28 more days. So 12/12 on Mar. 20. I'll be using bamboo sticks soon to try and train the branches(future colas) to all be around the same height. Def. taking some clones in about 21 days or maybe a little later. I want big clones to work with and I want the these two tang dreams be almost finish before I get ready to switch the clone. all in good time.

APG1; Day 28, same veg time frame 28more days.

WWxOgiesel; 12/12 on Feb. 20th. still dont know the sex:wall:

Fast Bud; Day 55, 15 more days to go.

BBG; Day 55, 15 more days as well. Just fed for the last time and no will begin the flush on Thursday or so.

AO clone 1; day 42. just flushed to leach slats and make sure the pH is in balance.

Special Queen; day 28, same thing applies to SQ as the AO clone. I don't think this plant can finish in 21days, maybe 28-32. but you never know.

I have the seedlings and clones going theres not much to really say. I just stated the lst on my Vanilla Kush 3 and Bubblelicious, all were watered earlier today. the Sq clone is doing ok as well as the vk2 clone

Snafu1236, My Tahoe og germed with almost .5inch tap root in under 24hours, about to plant into the RR cube. The LA cheese germed/cracked too, 1 is fully germed the other is just cracked. Cataract Kush has also germed.


Well-Known Member
damn, nice germ rates man. i decided to dig em up today, none of them cracked, besides the two deadhead and 1 tahoe i already told you about. im callin it a loss. i was gonnna pop out 16 plants, but now im only moving towards 12. guess ill veg em a lil longer & do a scrog. currently i got 2 vanilla kush, 5 TGA pandoras box, 2 deadhead og and 1 tahoe og. guess no og sour or other tahoes....hopefully my deadheads and tahoe turn to be a female. nice post dude...that vanilla kush is lookin pretty chunky...


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Def watching out for what your Vanilla Kush do. I might have my keeper with that, the internode spacing is very tight... The 1st Vanilla Kush had a tighter internodal spacing. But Vk2's stature, pistil-to-leaf ratio, smell, resin production etc. seems to blow it out of the water.

Still have another VK from seed thats now on the beginning of the 4th week of veg, and I'll let it go for 3 more weeks(maybe 4). Just mad Lst'ing so far. I've seen at-least 4 diff phenos of VK on here and 3 of them looked stellar.

well heres a quick vid,sorry it's not as detailed I'll post better details later this week with pics:bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
Mane, better late than never, Sub'd!!! I appreciate your hard work you put into your videos and keeping it going for us all to enjoy. I just got my hands on two clippings of Vanilla OG and I also have a Barneys VK(fem) seed. Your grow is EFIN amazing, keep up the good work bro! +REP!




Well-Known Member
Vanilla Kush sounds really tastey bro, and nice video updates :D
thanks alot Milly, I saw you harvest pics and all of those papers :D, great job.
Mane, better late than never, Sub'd!!! I appreciate your hard work you put into your videos and keeping it going for us all to enjoy. I just got my hands on two clippings of Vanilla OG and I also have a Barneys VK(fem) seed. Your grow is EFIN amazing, keep up the good work bro! +REP

Thanks alot man, can't wait to see that Vanilla OG :weed: