Manure with mineral nutrients?

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
I've searched but can't seem to find anything with people using manure/black earth/pro mix base and then using advance nutrients or something similar for the main fertilizer? They will be in large pots outdoors. Thanks its been many years since i've grown.


Well-Known Member
got ya wires crossed!

manure is for the realm of the organic grower, advanced nutes the corner of the chem lab

only a fool would mix the 2

as 1 you know the contents of the other ..not but with many drug by products, I'll let you guess which one

as you are at the solstice you need to ask where the plants in coming months

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
I feel like I let them get away from me. Canopy isn’t gonna even whatsoever. I tied them back a few days ago. Should I top them? The beer is for reference haha.