Manure + Worm Castings


New Member
I'm going to do a horse manure, worm castings, perlite soil mix for my next grow. I'm wondering if I should put the manure in the compost bin with the worms (also putting in wet cardboard/avocados/food scraps) or keep them separate until mixing and potting? What do you guys think?

Thanks Much!


Well-Known Member
Compost all,the horse shit don't really need it but it could have grass seeds in it so wth.Any way the more composted the better unless u adding bananas lol


Well-Known Member
Just make sure the horses haven't been *wormed*. The worm medication in the poo can do serious damage to your worm bin.A guy I know with both a horse that gets regular worming and worm bin told me that ~6 months of being composted and exposed to the elements seemed to get rid of all the residuals and worked fine in the bins. IDK myself, it's too far of a drive to go collect some.

Something you ought to research though.
