Many Can I Grow In Ca?


Well-Known Member
OK, so on a practical level, how many plants can I grow? I have a referral for twelve but the Doc said that the courts have decided that it's up to you and your Doctor and that you can grow up to 99 before the feds get involved.
I really need to be careful cuz I own my home and obviously don't want to lose it to greedy cops.
So what do you think guys? Twelve or 99 or??? :-P



Well-Known Member
I believe its only 12 vegging or 6 mature. I might be wrong. Didn't your doctor tell you the laws? I also remember him telling me its one or the other 6 mature then you can't have 12 ready to flower. Give your doc a call and ask. No reason to take chances.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mal, whatup! Yeah, the Doc told me that and he also refused to give me a "script" for more plants (which I have heard they can do ).
The reason he gave was that the company he works for (I'll tell you if anyone wants to know) doesn't think it possible or necessary for any one person to smoke more than that amount. And then he stated that there had been a case run through the courts wherin the defendent pothead won against the State DA the right to have more than twelve but less that ninty nine plants and that the judge determined was a right best left to the Doctor to determine how much medicine a patient needs and thought it best if the State keeps it's nose out of the whole business of prescribing "how much medicine a patient needs". He cited this case as a reason a bigger script was not necessary.
Said the courts had already tied the DA's hands.
Having said that, you may be put in a position of having to defend yourself in court, however if it is a winnable case, it becomes a roll of the dice, a bet that you may decide is worth the risk. I in fact would possibly be willing to take that risk as I definitely think I am smarter than the average "smoky bear" and am perfectly willing to play a game of cat and mouse with the local POPO.
I ain't gettin caught. No effin way. but I want to know the what if's so I can make a educated decision, and not an emotional one. I would not risk it for a dead bang loser,
not worth the risk. Buuuuuttt, if I thought for a swecond that the shoe was on the other foot and with a good lawyer I would most likely win, weeeeellllll, that's a horse of a different color so to speak.
What I need are hard facts my friend. but I do appreciate the response and plus rep for your effort.

Peace my farmin friend


Well-Known Member
on a practical sense i'd get to finding some nice SATIVA clones and i'd start putting them on the ground ASAP.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
im pretty sure the new laws in california is a gazillion plant limit. has to be useable though.
such a grey area on vegging plants.


Well-Known Member
The laws for the limits of plants is different in most counties. Like my county allows 6 flowering plants or 12 vegging. Now i think you can get a recommendation to grow 99 plants but i'm not sure and that would be a lot harder to get.