Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member
These are seedlings

This is a neglected and abused plant.

Look at her she's lost her backbone and can't even stand up straight on her own anymore :lol: ........
Thats a plant that I rescued from a heat stress situation. It was leaning like that cuz I was doing some gradual LST. Stop being a dick.


Well-Known Member
Thats a plant that I rescued from a heat stress situation. It was leaning like that cuz I was doing some gradual LST. Stop being a dick.
Why so serious ?

I've had plants that looked like that before I signed up for riu
We've all been there

It's just when you act like you know everything about growing you become a target for criticism


Well-Known Member
Why so serious ?

I've had plants that looked like that before I signed up for riu
We've all been there

It's just when you act like you know everything about growing you become a target for criticism
I dont know everything lol, but I have alot of grows under my belt. Im pretty adept at growing outdoors. I will admit however that I attempted an indoor grow this year and failed pretty bad. This seedling came from that grow. It ended up being a male anyways so its long gone. I just find it funny that you would put it as your avatar, like cmon dude how old are you that you would do somethin like that.


Well-Known Member
I dont know everything lol, but I have alot of grows under my belt. Im pretty adept at growing outdoors. I will admit however that I attempted an indoor grow this year and failed pretty bad. This seedling came from that grow. It ended up being a male anyways so its long gone. I just find it funny that you would put it as your avatar, like cmon dude how old are you that you would do somethin like that.


Well-Known Member
You sound a little upset
I'll change it before you report me to rollie

Smoke a jay,
Laugh a little