Many thirps in day 40 of flower

Seeing people on THCFARMER say they use NukeEm as a harvest day dip but that was back in 2012 lol.

It's probably fine to use in flower. You'll always want to do a bud wash if you have bugs in flower anyway and I think any citric acid residue would wash away unlike an oil based product which could leave a film behind.
Maybe your right, thinking the fabric pots don't hold the water so the pots would be wet for some time after watering, thinking the base touching the trays would stay wet for long lengths of time, the larvae could live here.
Thanks for your feedback. I've always used fabric pots and never had a problem, this was my first run with air pots and holy infestation, 15-20 dead gnats PER DAY for 8 weeks in flower. I just chopped this week, going back to fabric pots but I am going to wrap them with the mosquito netting to be sure. Thanks again.
Neem oil is something you should always have on hand; you can use it up to the day of flower, even on the buds. It did a good job of getting rid of the spider mites that hit my plants when I was in the hospital.
Unfortuntely I got this horrible Thrips in the middle of week 5 of flower.

I dont have access to beneficial predtors, or a lot of products (since I am in Asia). So what can I do? Or these plants will just gradually decline and die?
Spray with a stream off water and knock as many as you can off. Use hose or shower nozzle ,
I've dealt with thrips using 3 smoke bombs (sulphur If memory serves me) every 3 days.

With thrips you need to bomb them every 3 days to break the egg larvae then adult cycle if you don't you won't beat them.
Depending on your area you can buy a hot box for burning sulphur if the bombs aren't big enough.
You need to double check about use in flower.
You need to double check about use in flower.

Good idea. Anyone can comment on sulfur smoke in flower? lol

Many great ideas here guys. Keep it coming!
You'll always want to do a bud wash if you have bugs in flower
Can you comment on how to bud wash? I know there is the classic Jorge Cervantes video showing him dipping in water with H202 and then fan drying for a while before cure? This is still the best SOP??
Good idea. Anyone can comment on sulfur smoke in flower? lol

Many great ideas here guys. Keep it coming!

Can you comment on how to bud wash? I know there is the classic Jorge Cervantes video showing him dipping in water with H202 and then fan drying for a while before cure? This is still the best SOP??

Yes just the standard bud wash.
I had thrips, and tried sprays, nothing worked

at the advice of my local grow store, I tried Cucumeris packs of beneficial insects and nematodes..... and it worked 100%

Cucumeris are predatory mites and decimate the adults, then eat each other. It's a win win.

Nematodes are watered into the soil prevent babies.

And in my experience fabric pots are the best because self pruning roots and no way for mold to take hold, daily drying out, and bottom watering method if you like that too.

Good luck.
I tried hypoaspis predatory mites ime they're absolutely useless, hypoaspis mites live in the soil thrips live on the plants for the most part.... You see the problem.