Maricopa county attorney going after anyone growing.

Messing with a document that are country is technically founded on, not a light subject and everyone needs to be aware IMO.
blah blah blah go take a constitutional law class. there is nothing technically wrong with hornes argument it is unethical and in my opinion immoral but it has legal footing. not much but it does carry weight none the less. i dont know what you mean by messingnwith he document its not like he is proposing a new amendment.
Suggesting states should not have the right to enact their own laws is a problem, esp when a political figure says it.
Regardless of if the concept will be put into effect, that type of thinking is very unwarranted in society.
Someone with that type of "ethical" view needs to be put in checked by his superiors..
Obviously a weak argument but progressive thinking is needed in this country, backpedaling is a counterproductive to the betterment of society.
Arizona is way behind the curve and dummies like Horne only enforce that statement.
Definitely a good 'ol boys state.
Suggesting states should not have the right to enact their own laws is a problem, esp when a political figure says it.
Regardless of if the concept will be put into effect, that type of thinking is very unwarranted in society.
Someone with that type of "ethical" view needs to be put in checked by his superiors..
Obviously a weak argument but progressive thinking is needed in this country, backpedaling is a counterproductive to the betterment of society.
Arizona is way behind the curve and dummies like Horne only enforce that statement.
Definitely a good 'ol boys state.
You show your limited understanding of the constitution and more specifically the supremacy clause. Go audit a con law class at asu.
I will make sure to do that, thanks for the breakdown...

All I said is that people who think states should not have individual rights are bad for society esp. when they hold a position of power.
(Talk about telling people what is right or wrong.) Im just wrong all around today. :lol:
Legal footing?

Courts are contradicting each other left and right on this. Pack was Dismissed? Maybe. It isn't the final word. Attorneys General on the beloved right, are seeing their cases rendered meaningless by the justice system.

Any AG has to explain to the people why the time and money spent were worthwhile.

I am not a lawyer, but I do thank all of the Friendly lawyers out there that helped get us to this point.
Our Country & way of life are at stake if obumma gets enough time to finish bankrupting us. It is VERY clear that He will not work with anyone that does not kiss his Prez ring. Didn't even attempt to keep most of his promises & for 2 years had congess under his thumb which drove us into some of these bad policies. Thank God America spoke & got congess out of his pocket. 2 years of no compromise & just plain ruining the american Ideal world wide. Please help bring the America of our ancestors back & stop the socialism. Think about your Countries future, not short term gratifications. A lot of tough choices ahead my friends.
Our Country & way of life are at stake if obumma gets enough time to finish bankrupting us. It is VERY clear that He will not work with anyone that does not kiss his Prez ring. Didn't even attempt to keep most of his promises & for 2 years had congess under his thumb which drove us into some of these bad policies. Thank God America spoke & got congess out of his pocket. 2 years of no compromise & just plain ruining the american Ideal world wide. Please help bring the America of our ancestors back & stop the socialism. Think about your Countries future, not short term gratifications. A lot of tough choices ahead my friends.

Spread the truth - America is under a State of Emergency since 9 / 11...

Nobama has extended it 3 years since taking over after Bush! And is about to extend it again if he has not done so already!

He has more power than most know or want to believe... He can call off elections now... Will he?

Nobama supporters don't want the facts; they want to hear promises!

“Simply by proclaiming a national emergency..., President Bush activated some 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing him to impose censorship and martial law.” This power is now in the Hands of Nobama! I pray for the safety of Our Country!

Source -

Currently every citizen is subject to arrest without Due Process and NO right to Habeas corpus....
Source -
