marijuana and fruits


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty certain the oranges were a hoax, it's still illegal to sell something and claim they are drugs. That's the reason for the bust, which is the only thing that gives it credibility.

:clap: Doug Benson just dropped a knowledge bomb :clap:

;) superhigh me is funny as hell ;)


Well-Known Member
You should start with figs, they're the next step from hops, and I'd imagine it'd be hard as hell to cross with fig to begin with, pepper are completely insane. I was going to ask if this thread was a joke, I mean you mispelled biology, had you been doing "byology" research you'd have seen the cover says "bio" meaning life.

Not to mention your last post makes you look illiterate.

I bet you aren't even 18.

And this is just a big joke.

Post 1 pic of your seeds together, marijuana and pepper seeds, with rollitup written under it.

That's right I'm calling you out.


Well-Known Member
well if there sucsecfuly get cross breeded then cannabis would sertanly almost become legal
-does this sound like a biochemist to you? :dunce:

Translation: Well, if *they're *successfully *crossbred then cannabis would *certainly become legal.

My count is 4 major errors.

People are nice enough to answer your questions, quit wasting our time.

Pics of seeds with rollitup written by hand under it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you actually read the article, at the bottom it says it's "satire" and "fictional" and "any use of actual names is coiencedental"

:clap: You all got caught reading the headlines, and not reading the facts, proof that propaganda works :clap:

was just getting out of work so i saved the links and didn't get to read them until now. but thakn you marks:bigjoint: