Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

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Signed up here as I've been following this thread for sometime. And don't think it's fair the claims LED Girl is making in order to convince people to invest money in a technology that is still changing constantly. I've tested the original UFO, and just about every LED to grace the pages of high times since. The procyon, the Growl LED's, Super LED, the Illuminators and the newest eBay Tri-Band UFO's. My only problem with these are that their obviously made in the same chinese factories as the rest yet are claimed to be more efficient due to the fact the LED's are spread out a little on the board. To me the 318w is just as efficient as a 400w and shouldn't be claimed to be any better. That's right they don't produce nugs as FULL as those grown under HID. And of course when you grow with hydro your yield is higher, but then you get even more dense nugs because the light your using? No thanks I don't want moldy dense nugs. A heat signature of a uncooled 600w HPS is not even more than a human body.. If someone is using thermal imaging out of a bond movie maybe then will they notice the heat from the light. I think it's a shame that your trying to scam people on these forums and take their money.

I read somewhere that your working on a "next generation" light.. So why are you still selling these if their not up to par with what's going to be coming out soon? Can't we all just accept LED is not what it claims to be as far as 1000w equivalency or even 400w equivalency on your 126w. A 126w LED is barely comparable with a 150w HPS in flower from what can be seen in grow journals, just depending who the grower is. And of course if you want more yield grow Hydro. kiss-assThe people who you've given free lights to haven't been all that happy anyway.. Aside from the high of getting free supplemental lighting.


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This is your first post? Did you join just to trash on this thread?

Signed up here as I've been following this thread for sometime. And don't think it's fair the claims LED Girl is making in order to convince people to invest money in a technology that is still changing constantly. I've tested the original UFO, and just about every LED to grace the pages of high times since. The procyon, the Growl LED's, Super LED, the Illuminators and the newest eBay Tri-Band UFO's. My only problem with these are that their obviously made in the same chinese factories as the rest yet are claimed to be more efficient due to the fact the LED's are spread out a little on the board. To me the 318w is just as efficient as a 400w and shouldn't be claimed to be any better. That's right they don't produce nugs as FULL as those grown under HID. And of course when you grow with hydro your yield is higher, but then you get even more dense nugs because the light your using? No thanks I don't want moldy dense nugs. A heat signature of a uncooled 600w HPS is not even more than a human body.. If someone is using thermal imaging out of a bond movie maybe then will they notice the heat from the light. I think it's a shame that your trying to scam people on these forums and take their money.

I read somewhere that your working on a "next generation" light.. So why are you still selling these if their not up to par with what's going to be coming out soon? Can't we all just accept LED is not what it claims to be as far as 1000w equivalency or even 400w equivalency on your 126w. A 126w LED is barely comparable with a 150w HPS in flower from what can be seen in grow journals, just depending who the grower is. And of course if you want more yield grow Hydro. kiss-assThe people who you've given free lights to haven't been all that happy anyway.. Aside from the high of getting free supplemental lighting.
came from another forum where LEDGirl's snake oil sales pitch fell on deaf ears, even after free lights were given out to the biggest suck ups. Then when the forum members with 2000+ posts asked for lights, the lights were given to people who signed up the same month as led girl and very few posts..

so @mods of RIU: here check the IP addresses of the people posting in support of led girl because most of them on the other forum were from the same network.. pretty sad what people will do to boost their own product. The site and domain look like they were put up overnight and their gonna go as quickly as they came. Would any legitimate LED light sales person admit they grow only weed with their lights if they weren't selling someone elses product? Pretty much google LED grow lights and you'll see the same casings for LED's minus the layout of lights.. This isn't the first overnight LED company to appear claiming to be the end all to other companies and it won't be the last.
I've tested the original UFO, and just about every LED to grace the pages of high times since. The procyon, the Growl LED's, Super LED, the Illuminators and the newest eBay Tri-Band UFO's. My only problem with these are that their obviously made in the same chinese factories as the rest yet are claimed to be more efficient due to the fact the LED's are spread out a little on the board. To me the 318w is just as efficient as a 400w and shouldn't be claimed to be any better. That's right they don't produce nugs as FULL as those grown under HID. And of course when you grow with hydro your yield is higher, but then you get even more dense nugs because the light your using? No thanks I don't want moldy dense nugs. A heat signature of a uncooled 600w HPS is not even more than a human body.. If someone is using thermal imaging out of a bond movie maybe then will they notice the heat from the light. I think it's a shame that your trying to scam people on these forums and take their money.

Wow, the scum of the internet has slimily made it's way to RIU. What a shame, as I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we don't want your kind here. We've all seen your type: "I've tried everything, and got screwed on all of it, so my ego's crushed and there is no way that anyone will ever convince me again that they are smarter than someone else."

What I find funny, is how you make a complete ass out of yourself on here... You talk about a Tri-band on eBay!?!? LMFAO!!! You were tricked into buying that how? Oh ya, by your own lack of judgment and research, not because someone sold you on it or proved it worked ahead of time (again LMFAO). So you spent money testing what seems like thousands of dollars of useless grow lights, so you come on here crying about how mad you are? Then you try to attack me, since you obviously can't attack those scam companies you've been supporting... My god, I think anyone can see through you here...

You think my lights are more efficient because I spaced them out? Sorry, that just gives me a larger coverage area with a 60 degree LED. My lights ARE MADE IN CHINA, although there are literally 100+ factories that make them, so my lights don't come from the same place as everyone else (although I have no problems saying they are made in China). Another thing, if my lights ARE THE SAME, why is it that NO OTHER LIGHT IN THE WORLD, looks like mine does? Who cares if it's made in the same country, does that mean that all people in any given country, do everything the same? What, you think that I didn't do all the research, testing, and light design state-side? The reason my lights are so efficient, is because we give you the full spectral output that NO OTHER manufacturer does (especially none of the ones you listed). We also use 60 degree LED's, instead of the BS 120 degree LED's like everyone else, to direct the light at your plants in an intense beam that can penetrate. That's why they work better, it's not because of spacing. SIMPLE design points that other companies just can't seem to figure out...

Lastly, you contradict yourself. First you tell people that my 318W light compares to a 400W HID (of course this is completely false), and then you tell people that MY LIGHTS don't produce nugs as big or full as HID!?!? DID ANYONE ELSE FORGET THAT THIS JOKE has never used my lights? Funny how he can make such slanderous accusations about how my lights function, when he's never seen them operate... Then you tell people my yield is higher, and that I have more dense nugs, but you claim they have MOLD??? Dude, go crawl under a rock where you belong.

By the way, does anyone believe this guy when he says that the human body has the same heat signature as a 450 degree HPS bulb? My god I can't believe the shit people spew...

I read somewhere that your working on a "next generation" light.. So why are you still selling these if their not up to par with what's going to be coming out soon? Can't we all just accept LED is not what it claims to be as far as 1000w equivalency or even 400w equivalency on your 126w. A 126w LED is barely comparable with a 150w HPS in flower from what can be seen in grow journals, just depending who the grower is. And of course if you want more yield grow Hydro. kiss-assThe people who you've given free lights to haven't been all that happy anyway.. Aside from the high of getting free supplemental lighting.

Again, making false, BS accusations, with nothing to back yourself up. But that's how people like you operate. Information doesn't have to be right, hell you don't even care if you sound like a moron, you're still pissed that you spent soo much testing these other LED's, and now I have customers destroying their 150W HPS with my 63W light. Would you mind showing people, VIA ONLINE RESULTS, where my 126W only compares to a 150W HPS??? That's right, YOU CAN'T.

I find it amazing that somehow you don't understand time. I'm working on a future model which takes TIME. So I'm supposed to stop everything dead in my tracks, because in the future something better will get released? How many screws do you have loos anyways? I'll be making a PRO model light, that DOES NOT mean I won't be carrying my current models anymore, it means there will be a higher quality model available, with a higher lumen output, for those who can afford it.

And Again, I've supplied ONE person with free lights, and his name is Ed Rosenthal. His results haven't been published, nor started, so how is it you say he isn't happy with my lights? There is no one else I've given anything to, and the people who are using my lights, and are posting results, are doing nothing but praising the product. What's funny is that people like you will continue to disbelieve everyone, even when there are 100+ people claiming the same, awesome results using my lights.

I'm sorry if you just can't bear to see a smart woman succeed. It's not my fault the other people who designed the lights you wasted money on, lacked my intelligence. You've been reported, now get off the thread or quit acting like an asshole.
I'd have respect for you if you were trying to help people gain knowledge of using LED's in their garden.. Your just here to sell your grow lights to people thinking yours are supreme to others. Show US the Ed rosenthal grow. You show us results of your "friends" but nothing independent. You showed us your results with a 1000w HID bulb and it just looked like you don't know how to grow. I've been to the factories in China that specialize in LED's -- your using the same casing as the 700w for a 318w and using just as many fans - how energy efficient is that. Your also using the the 300w kits for 126w.. Your prices are way out of whack.. Your 60 degree LED's are great for causing dense mold filled nugs. You don't even have a patent on your led lights so by selling it in the US is illegal as far as government is concerned. When the law catches up with you I hope it was worth scamming all the growing forum users you already have. Wheres your next stop after RIU? Your threads get shut down everywhere you go because its all about selling your snake oil.. err.. LED lights. Your 3 year factory warranty is the same one all the other LED companies have because its made in the same factory.. Golf clap for you. The jigs up.

I think its the other way around there...
you totally got served a silver platter of STFU and you come back with that weak-ass reply?
We've heard your attacks here before, from other people, and it gets pretty old. What do you care if she succeeds or fails, or if suckers get taken in by a quick sales pitch (which hasn't happened here btw)?

get lost, people here are trying to share & learn...
I'd have respect for you if you were trying to help people gain knowledge of using LED's in their garden..

Amazing how I LEFT the other forums, and not the other way around. I wasn't banned, I request my accounts be deleted, interesting huh? The reason I left GC, was due to assholes like you who just can't seem to mind their own business or not start drama. So I'll go ahead and annoint you the QUEEN of this forum, as it's evident by your writing that you want nothing more than to be a drama queen. What I find even more amazing, is that your life is so crappy that all you've been reduced to, is FOLLOWING ME AROUND ONLINE, talking shit when it's all baseless. What's even funnier, is that I'M NOT THE COMPANY WHO SCREWED YOU OVER ON ALL THOSE LIGHTS YOU WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO BUY. Then you illustrate to everyone your repetitive lack of intelligence, by trying to say that a higher intensity light source = mold. What you're doing is ILLEGAL, it's called libel/slander and is punishable by the US law. Quit wasting everyone's time with your Bull shit.

Seriously, find a new hobby and get something better to do with your life, because right now you are one hell of a sad excuse for a human being...
By the way everyone, I just got off the phone with Ed Rosenthal so I wanted to give you an update.

He has setup two rooms side-by-side, measuring 4' x 4' each. In one room he is running a 1000W HPS, and in the other he is using 3, 318W LED units (totaling 954W). The strain he is using for the comparison is Green Crack. He said the lights look beautiful, that they are very bright, and that he will begin making progress photos available within the next 2 weeks. Anyhow, stay tuned.
Let there be LED.

I agree HID and LED are not comparable watt for watt for flowering.

But shut up about shutting off the other LEDs in Eds rooms.

What if it shows LED are comparable watt for watt with HID, then you can go tell everyone not to buy them because that are over priced. Fair enough.

What if it shows LED blows out HID watt for watt in Ed's room? What would you say?

Please keep us updated on Ed's rooms, LED Girl.
If you had read this thread fully you'd have seen that this question was already asked, by me, and that LEDGirl had answered it to my satisfaction.

No one is pushing anything and most of us are waiting on the results of Ed's grow. So why don't you go away while the rest of us chat about LED's while awaiting Ed's results.

If you say 1 318w is comparable to a 1000w HID then why is Ed Rosenthal using 3 318w led's????? He should be using just 1 318w or 3 1000w HID bulbs...
Let there be LED.

I agree HID and LED are not comparable watt for watt for flowering.

But shut up about shutting off the other LEDs in Eds rooms.

What if it shows LED are comparable watt for watt with HID, then you can go tell everyone not to buy them because that are over priced. Fair enough.

What if it shows LED blows out HID watt for watt in Ed's room? What would you say?

Please keep us updated on Ed's rooms, LED Girl.

Thank you for voicing your opinion in a respectable manner. It's fine for people to disagree, but the level some of you take it to is a bit ridiculous. I appreciate people like you who know how to handle themselves appropriately.

The whole point of the demonstration is to do as you just showed: give you all the answers.

If Ed yields the same in each room, then my lights are shit and I deserve to be bashed by everyone from here to China.

If Ed yields way more with LED, then all the nay-sayers get to bite their tongues. When Ed yields more with our LED's, we'll be able to show you exactly how much more, which will establish a TRUE equivalency value for our lights. If Ex yields 3x with LED, what he does with HPS, you can assume that our 126W is certainly comparable to a 400W HID, and that a 318W is comparable to a 1000W HID.

It's interesting how so many people don't get this lol...
As I said, your lights are just as bad as everyone elses I tried..

This is redundantly stupid. You've NEVER tested my lights, only INFERIOR LED products. You continue to show your lack of intelligence by making claims about lights you've never used. Other people have already pointed out that your opinion has no swing here, so becoming more of a douche isn't going to help you out any...

What I think amazes everyone, is how you think my customers coming onto a forum, voicing support for my lights, is crap, even though they've had or are having a positive experience with them. It doesn't surprise me that you will continue to refuse anyone else's results with LED, regardless of who they are, because you never spent a penny wisely on LED. Seriously, GO COMPLAIN TO THE COMPANIES WHO YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY WTIH. They made the lights that gave you SHITTY results, and YOU were the only one dumb enough to buy it. The only person you have to blame is you...

Don't blame me, or my customers for the fact that our LED's work, and we're having far better results with them than you ever dreamed possible. Again, I'm sorry you wasted your money elsewhere, but quit being ignorant... No matter how may lies you try to spew on this forum, it doesn't change the results that everyone's obviously seen but you.
first pic wasnt unboxed 318w? care to discuss your markup on the product? if your so open about being honest.. how much are you marking up the price?

It doesn't cost a lot to make these things in china.. Have you admit to your customers your using the same casing as higher wattage LED's putting less LED's in and charging the same price for higher equivalent??



JESUS CHRIST MAN, CAN YOU BE ANY MORE STUPID? I don't charge the same price as someone selling a 600W unit for my 300W one. My 126W costs about the SAME, or CHEAPER than the Bull Shit 120W units you find on eBay that you're dumb enough to purchase. You know mine cost 2.5x more to build than those standard POS lights from eBAY? It's cause of my specifications, board size, etc.., but if you don't believe me all it takes is an email since you seem so familiar with the Chinese. You know I also cover part of the shipping charge on each unit that gets sent out? SO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, cause your mouth is full of shit. You think any business is going to divulge their pricing??? Lumigrow, Procyon, Theoreme??? GIVE ME A BREAK. Businesses make money to stay in business and develop new products. Of all the LED companies out there, I'm one of the ones making the least of my units.

SO SERIOUSLY, QUIT THE BULL SHIT. I pay WAY more for my lights than ANY OTHER COMPANY MAKING A 120W UNIT, and have NOWHERE NEAR their markup. Honestly, you're starting to sound like a competitor who came on here with the sole intention of a SMEAR CAMPAIGN because I'm stealing your business with a FAR SUPERIOR product at a MUCH BETTER PRICE PER WATT.
first pic wasnt unboxed 318w? care to discuss your markup on the product? if your so open about being honest.. how much are you marking up the price?

It doesn't cost a lot to make these things in china.. Have you admit to your customers your using the same casing as higher wattage LED's putting less LED's in and charging the same price for higher equivalent??
Come on've talked nothing but horseshit in your posts...try to make some sense if you're trying to prove a point otherwise move on've had your five posts of fame!!:roll:


JESUS CHRIST MAN, CAN YOU BE ANY MORE STUPID? I don't charge the same price as someone selling a 600W unit for my 300W one. My 126W costs about the SAME, or CHEAPER than the Bull Shit 120W units you find on eBay that you're dumb enough to purchase. You know mine cost 2.5x more to build than those standard POS lights from eBAY? It's cause of my specifications, board size, etc.., but if you don't believe me all it takes is an email since you seem so familiar with the Chinese. You know I also cover part of the shipping charge on each unit that gets sent out? SO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, cause your mouth is full of shit. You think any business is going to divulge their pricing??? Lumigrow, Procyon, Theoreme??? GIVE ME A BREAK. Businesses make money to stay in business and develop new products. Of all the LED companies out there, I'm one of the ones making the least of my units.

SO SERIOUSLY, QUIT THE BULL SHIT. I pay WAY more for my lights than ANY OTHER COMPANY MAKING A 120W UNIT, and have NOWHERE NEAR their markup. Honestly, you're starting to sound like a competitor who came on here with the sole intention of a SMEAR CAMPAIGN because I'm stealing your business with a FAR SUPERIOR product at a MUCH BETTER PRICE PER WATT.
I'm not sure why you bother taking the time getting your blood pressure going dealing with obviously empty arguments. Did you not start your own business to get away from kiss-assdumb asses like this,,,,don't give them the "LED of day".
You think my lights are more efficient because I spaced them out? Sorry, that just gives me a larger coverage area with a 60 degree LED. My lights ARE MADE IN CHINA, although there are literally 100+ factories that make them, so my lights don't come from the same place as everyone else (although I have no problems saying they are made in China). Another thing, if my lights ARE THE SAME, why is it that NO OTHER

thought i would point out what you said. When at the begining of the thread you claim to have developed these lights.

Go ask the companies to make your own LED boards the way you want it. Affordable LED's for everyone.. LED Girl's deceptive website shows panels that are not how they actually appear once you purchase em, and I'm fairly sure bridgelux doesn't make the nm LED she describes shes using.
You just gave me the push to test her lights myself rather then listen to your crap...LOL...I should be done before ED's test as well depending on how quickly she'll get me the "let there be brain cells" you have already admitted being an idiot buying led after failing be a silent idiot a retreat to the cave you came from Osamma!
i have a question for u led growers

i wanted to build a new grow box get a led light strand like christmas lights and line the inside of box with a shit ton of em... could this work???
thought i would point out what you said. When at the begining of the thread you claim to have developed these lights.
You almost got her genius except just because she developed them in the garage doesn't mean she's sitting there putting these together as the orders come in...LEDs are manufactured in china so what? are vibrators,,,try sticking one in your ear and clean out the cobwebs!
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