marijuana bust, saw the same pics on this site!!!


Well-Known Member
he could have been getting ready for his outdoor season and had a shit ton of clones, It would be easy to make a couple hundred clones.


Well-Known Member
You can't grow pot that's stealing from the man, he'll f you up for not paying what is rightly his. They provide protection for all of us and we all have to pay our share.


Well-Known Member
bleh in my opinion, they should stop ARRESTING POT GROWERS. It's fucken natural the government is so selfish with themselves. i read so many documentaries on Marijuana. i do not see anything wrong. Fucking Police should find something better to do then watch our backs like fucken dumbasses -.-.


Well-Known Member
the reporter might have found the image on this site (or posted somewhere else) and used it as part of their story. never trust a journalist.


Well-Known Member
i seen the grow log on the site cant remember who it was but was here and also i guarantee he was dealing and probably stealing power off the Grid

the fucking Roosters are a dead give away too lol



Well-Known Member
where is the link to the pic on this site? I don't see that part of the story. This seems like a croc


Well-Known Member
I am on this site all the time and never saw that pic or any post about a tunnel to a grow room. Thats just me though and I know there is a lot on this site but I WANT PROOF DAMMMIT!!


Well-Known Member
well im sorry
all i can say is i saw the pic on the random picture thing
and then went to the gallery

and im sure it doesnt even mean anything
all your guys response is interesting.
but yeah
dont grow to sell
grow to smoke