Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
yeah whenever anybody has any problems they're quick to jump to the conclusion its the weedI'm sure a good amount of the people who claim marijuana cause them stomach issues have poor diets and lifestyles. I've had a stomach issue since 15, I'm almost 19 now and I've had my med card since 16; It has done nothing but wonders for me. It's really hard to pinpoint stomach ailments, you shouldn't just assume its the pot; I went under numerous tests and stomach scopes to figure out what is wrong. I feel a lot of people also psych themselves out, why wouldn't you want to believe it's the pot instead of an ailment or poor diet? I would much rather assume it's the pot too but you shouldn't discourage others from using it. Doctors would much rather see you using the pills, not all doctors are like this obviously but I currently suffer from tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements like shaking) after a doctor had me on reglan for too long, I was only 15 when I was prescribed so I had no idea about the black box warning, I didn't look into things back then and I just trusted my doctors which was a big mistake. For some, these pills really do work but I couldn't even keep the pills down half the time and the side effects are not worth it. I manage my ailment a million times better now just using holistic supplements and marijuana, RSO is amazing along with the capsules they have. Indica does wonders for me and I can now live a better life due to it. It's sad people will just believe articles and whatever else they think is credible. I've smoked every single day for years, I use NO prescription pills now and I don't even drink. I think the main thing I'm trying to get at is, try it for yourself and see. The amount of people who try to discourage others from using it medicinally is insane, it is known to have medicinal value. If you use alcohol yet you're against pot, you're fucking dumb. Btw, I smoked spice for a while before my stomach ailment and my cannabinoid receptors are just fine. I'm not discouraging the use of prescription meds either but be careful with the side effects and I do believe for some that pot could upset their stomach, everyone is different but I lean towards it being a mental thing/poor diet.