marijuana cave


Well-Known Member
It's hilarious that laws like that still exist in our modern age justice system. 30 years for some fucking weed. What a joke. Now my tax dollars are going to pay for this guy to sit in prison for the next 30 years because he was growing some plants below ground. Chalk one up for the US govt.


Well-Known Member
man I didnt read this whole thread but go on the toure and take lots of pics :P and post them here!
thats an amazing grow op! it really is a stoner heaven


New Member
the feds and the state guys both nailed this poor bastard...tennessee has this law, if you are going to sell marijuana you have to buy a tax stamp. but of course marijuana is against the law, so nobody buys a tax stamp. at the bonnaroo music festival if you got caught with pot they did not charge you with possession, they charged you with not buying the tax stamp. the tax stamp carries a much higher fine.