Marijuana cures warts?


Kerasal - OTC ointment ( salicylic acid and urea topical ) has urine component. One of many brands of “ wart medication “. So why buy retail or prescription when you can wring out your undies or adult pamper and cure the problem .

Old home remedy for warts ( plantar ) is to use a urine soaked cotton ball taped over wart . Change out daily until improved.
A bit MacGyver-ish but apparently a method that can help remove them. Urea is already in your cannabis fertilizer , so why not
use the golden miracle on your crusty ass warts ?

So if you have piss on your hands already from using the porcelain pot , stop - mop up the mess with a cotton ball and apply.
Or have your buddy piss on the wart for you.

Here to help …..
View attachment 5271563

Kerasal - OTC ointment ( salicylic acid and urea topical ) has urine component. One of many brands of “ wart medication “. So why buy retail or prescription when you can wring out your undies or adult pamper and cure the problem .

Old home remedy for warts ( plantar ) is to use a urine soaked cotton ball taped over wart . Change out daily until improved.
A bit MacGyver-ish but apparently a method that can help remove them. Urea is already in your cannabis fertilizer , so why not
use the golden miracle on your crusty ass warts ?

So if you have piss on your hands already from using the porcelain pot , stop - mop up the mess with a cotton ball and apply.
Or have your buddy piss on the wart for you.

Here to help …..
The many uses of piss. Works good for jellyfish stings also. Lol
Hello, this is most probably my first post on the forum, I DID do a search and found nothing.

So here goes:

I recently discovered that after a period of heavy smoking the warts on my hands had started to disappear. They had been there for years, been treated with different cremes, acids and cold. I doubt this is just a coincidence.
After some research I found that a few users on our local weed forum had had similar experiences, I even found one on google.

My theory is that, well, cannabis should protect you against tumors by making the infected cells kill themselves. Warts are tiny tumors so it should be logical, right?

Sorry for the spelling, etc, it's 6am, I'm high as fuck and haven't slept yet.

did you just start smoking? if not, it wasnt the herb.
I dunno. I had one on outside of wrist and another on inside. CompoundW got 'em both.
But it took MONTHS of dedicated applications of both the ointment and the CompoundW
OneStep Pads. But the inside one's gone, light scar, and outside one finally seems to be fully
gone. U gotta follow directions. I tried, but being human I didn't follow them fully, but enough
to finally, FINALLY get rid of them. One thing, you CW it 2 or 3 times a week, then after about
a week, peel off the outter white layer of wart, carefully, w/no blood, and reapply. I did this
for probably 3 or 4 months, pretty consistently. You gotta stay with it, if you don't, no sense in trying.
Yeah, PITA but it was worth it. Salicylic acid, yup, it's the active ingredient, the box says.