Well-Known Member
What better way to ensure its survival than to become needed by humans. Its great. Of course the coca plant is bad. So is the poppy plant. But both requires too much intervention by man to make the finished product. So I don't consider coke or heroin to be natural at all. Man made shit.
Pot is so great though. I grow it, dry it, and smoke it
So simple. Ya know, if everyone in the world who smoke pot planted a seed...they wouldn't be able to stop it! I've read numbers as high as 20 million U.S. cannibis smokers. 20,000,000 plants is alot of plants.No fucking way the local/state or fed boys could keep up. Not to mention when good ol mother nature kicked in spread em everywhere.
I say we should.Keep marijuana alive!!!!
Pot is so great though. I grow it, dry it, and smoke it

I say we should.Keep marijuana alive!!!!