Marijuana grower shot dead after dispute. killer jailed 21 years

Banks are legal and get robbed, so Whats your point. None! Anything can get robbbed at gun point.

So exactly what does a dispensary getting robbed proved....

Should banks stop operating too
I think that means legalization of marijuana isn't going to make any community safer. Someone putting bullets in the back of someone's head isn't caused from marijuana. It could be any drug, I would look at these type things as a symptom of a much larger problem.
or someone sent him a 10 pack in the mail and dude said he didnt get it. that might make youo shoot someone in the back of the head
Until someone holds up a dispensary at gun point and makes of with a few kg's and then youve solved not a thing!

You're silly. If weed is freed, then it's everywhere and costs next to nothing, like Doritos. No one shoots anyone over something that widely available, it's just not worth the trouble.
You're silly. If weed is freed, then it's everywhere and costs next to nothing, like Doritos. No one shoots anyone over something that widely available, it's just not worth the trouble.

So sorry that those scumfucks tortured and shot you to death over some cash that wasn't even there, man. :(

Hey, I'd advertise it as well. And I'd definitely never criticize it....
"A dispute over marijuana has led to Gennaro Bruno’s murder of Martin Bosshart. Martin was walking near a side of a road in Queens, when Gennaro pulled up next to him and shot him twice in the back of his head. The bullet penetrated his skull and killed him instantly. Gennaro had been convicted in the past for violent robberies and had a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and dealing drugs. He was handed a 23 year sentence, and prosecutors request for a death sentence has been denied."

This article really doesn't say much. I'm willing to bet this man was shot over much more than some weed. Sad someone dies but I hate it when the news instantly targets weed as a culprit for any crime. Weed doesn't impair your judgement like alcohol or harder drugs so the media is hard pressed to find a case where cannabis is making someone go crazy like in reefer madness so they can all validate their fears that a plant might be evil.
I so agree... much more to the story. I know so many tokers, never even raise their voices ;) let alone carry guns lol!
even a little bit of money tp someone with none....
do something irrational

shoot ya for your shoes, or scuffing your stolen shoes lol..
a $100 bill owed can cost your life in most any hood ive ever been to.

no telling what really happened here

but really i was just gonna reply to this
I wouldnt shoot someone for 100 million dollars, let alone a pair of shoes or some weed like this story suggested

i know my background is iffy.. but i dont.believe that.

depending scenario, im certain yiu would.. in a hypothetical youd get it and not get in trouble...

yeah, murdering someone for money/weed is despicable. Murderers dont even think about how the deaths will affect their family members. really sad that people like the guy in the news article exists..
yeah, murdering someone for money/weed is despicable. Murderers dont even think about how the deaths will affect their family members. really sad that people like the guy in the news article exists..

And the parents and siblings of the murderers have to put up with it as well. Then they associate it with pot, involving 3/4's of the world. This is where people like myself have to put up with it.

The fact is if a person is worth their salt they'd be way further ahead accepting each others differences and working with people in a fair and honest way. To become involved in the type of crap that happened in this article could mean no cash at all...for a very long time.

Perhaps some of them will read these posts and possibly grab a brain.
Maybe if we rubbed their noses in it and batted backside their ears with a newspaper maybe they might stop doing it...the last three people that tried to strangle me had me good from the backside but they didn't quite make it. I spared their petty little lives...for now. If I catch 'em with someone else doing it they go to prison. I got this impression that this one guy most likely strangled his own mother to death as a boy and I sort of felt pity for this so misguided person.
WAUKESHA COUNTY -- The second of two suspects accused in a shooting near the Bugline Trail in Sussex that happened during a drug transaction has now been charged. According to a criminal complaint, both the alleged buyers and sellers in this case were apparently trying to rip each other off.
after reading that the guy who got shot tried to rob the buyers with a revolver, i dont feel as bad...