"A dispute over marijuana has led to Gennaro Bruno’s murder of Martin Bosshart. Martin was walking near a side of a road in Queens, when Gennaro pulled up next to him and shot him twice in the back of his head. The bullet penetrated his skull and killed him instantly. Gennaro had been convicted in the past for violent robberies and had a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and dealing drugs. He was handed a 23 year sentence, and prosecutors request for a death sentence has been denied."
This article really doesn't say much. I'm willing to bet this man was shot over much more than some weed. Sad someone dies but I hate it when the news instantly targets weed as a culprit for any crime. Weed doesn't impair your judgement like alcohol or harder drugs so the media is hard pressed to find a case where cannabis is making someone go crazy like in reefer madness so they can all validate their fears that a plant might be evil.