marijuana halucinations?


New Member
According to quantum physics a particle isn't in any one particular place until it is observed/measured... i.e. for all means and perposes without the observation it is not there... or you can take it further, that if you observe an halucination you are in fact creating it by observing it... Halucinations are thus every bit as real as the world we share in the collective conciousness.

So is it possible for me to think up something, and then for it to become a reality in front of me?


Well-Known Member
I have hallucinated once in all the times I have smoked. It was similar to a mushroom hallucination, lines in wallpaper moving around type stuff. Also I checked the mirror to see if my pupils were dilated. I don't remember, but what I do recall is my eyes have never been that red in my life!! It was hilarious, maybe b/c my condition, but also I remember the amount. Me and a friend (he too hallucinated) 18 joints in about an hour.


Well-Known Member
18 in a hour,woah thats a lot,i got to say.ive been doing greater numbers ,but in like 3-4 hours and more-less.and it also depends on quality of herb.
once i was afraid to see myself in mirror,after seeing myself in mirror,for a few mins i was having vision of my face infront of me...annoying as hell!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess there is a diffirence between it and our creative imagination... its not nearly as real as an halucination proper.

Sometimes I think dark matter contains the other dimensions our other realities create.

Just remember what you see around you isn't there... even right now... if you keep going down at an atomic level you will see that a molecule is as much a force as matter i.e. it is not a tiny little ball, it is more like a ball shaped field of energy, but basicaly substanceless... it is not there... especialy if noone looks.


Well-Known Member
One time i was super blown and I thought I heard my mom at the door of my freinds house, when she had no clue where i was or where he lived. I knew it was a hallucination but damn yea i heard her there for a good 15 min.


New Member
One time i was super blown and I thought I heard my mom at the door of my freinds house, when she had no clue where i was or where he lived. I knew it was a hallucination but damn yea i heard her there for a good 15 min.
Hell yea lol, I used to experience shit like that all the time lol. I thinks thats just part of the paranoia. It does seem like when Im high I can concentrate on far away noises a lot better. I used to get high and go to lunch and school and I could hear what ppl were saying all the way across the room, crazy. For some reason, everytime I was high, I was sure every person in the world knew I was high and I was ashamed of that and scared that I would get caught. Every bad look that I would see I thought the ppl were thinking "That stupid ass kid, hes high right now, he knows thats bad for him" lmao. I used to trip out over that shit.

For real though, I think marijuana can be a lot stronger than most think. Those might have just been delusions, but I do feel like I can sense what other ppl are thinking and I actually can hear better and concentrate on things better (hence hearing ur heartbeat better and getting paranoid about that). Marijuana can be a very powerful and beatutiful thing. I cant smoke that much rite now though. I need to get the fear and anxiety out of myself before I can experience the beautiful effects again. I feel like it can be very introspective too, and it allow u to look at urself from a calm, wise persons point of few. Every time I was high I would look at my sober self from a distance and question why Im so scared and anxious and so mean to ppl. Its sad becuz no longer than a hour after the high, I act in the same dumb ass irrational way. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Philly.. :) I hear yah and feel yah. I too and sensitive to my surroundings, but I learned a long time ago, not everyone is, and to use it for your own insight, be humble about it. Also as far as the paranoia, and the looking at ones self, two things: I find different strains effect you differently, hence why I started to grow my own, I'm curious to my own taste. and also the more often you smoke the more you get used to it, and the paranoia goes away. (once you understand its like riding a bike) I personally like one hit of gr8 sh*t, and then go on my way. When I first started smoking I preferred ppl didn't know I've smoked that way I'm never worried ppl r treating me differently b/c I have. Once I got a good foundation and control over the high, I've really enjoyed it much much more. If I'm way off I do apalogize :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
1ht1der,i agree with you.once you get used to smoking,paranoia will almost never come,or never.i must say i didnt had bad trips and paranoias much,just a few...
i usually invent interesting 'games' with people around,games of any type,just to get the trip more interesting.its very boring to just sit when high,ok,it can be enjoyable too,but more enjoyment when you do things when high that you do when you are not :)


Active Member
i find if you convince yourself that u r gonna hallucinate, u hallucinate, but u also have to be really high; its easier to convince yourself or get into a mindset


Active Member
auditory hallucinations i think r more common cuz ur ears r the easiest to trick or confuse at least... the hardest to trick? ur nose.. ur mom... ur moms nose

p.s. but seriously its ur nose


Well-Known Member
Iv never had visiual hallucinations, but i have had EXTREME audio hallucinations when i first started smoking herb. Im lucky because for the first year of my smoking career i never paid for one bud. I always snatched some from the folks, and it was sooo potent that high status dealers were buying there personal sacks from me, at the time a scrayney little ninth grader(unfortunatly for that too happen i was jacked first by a big time dealer who then smoked all the weed with other big time dealrs, after that my name was synonimus with super high quality i had to lose some to gain a lot). They were all like DAMN where the fuck do you get your weed from? I wouldnt tell em of course for obvious reasons. Another kid who i knew whos parents smoked bragged about that shit and got his house jacked. I would smoke alot and sit in the dark with my lava lamp and hear full on concerts when there was absoutly no music playing. Not like i would sing these tunes inmy head, but i would sound like i was blasting my sterio! And for some reason it would always start of with Metallicas Harvester of Sorrow, which was strange because iv never really liked metallica all that much.


New Member
I remember specifically trying to hallucinate (visually) while very high on marijuana and I couldnt no matter how hard I tried.

This was at a period of my life when things were pretty bad and I was living half awake, I was very sleep deprived it was during school so I was very stressed out. I decided that I no longer wanted to live in this shitty world and I wanted to live in the cartoon world forever. Kind of weird, but I think we can all relate to some degree lol. Anyways I tried for a couple weeks to hallucinate and live amongst the cartoons in fantasy world, but I couldnt. Never had one hallucination. Keep in mind that I actually probably should have. I remember smoking a whole blunt of weed, going home and sitting in a dark room hoping cartoons would come alive, I was sleep deprived too, but still nothing. That tells me its pretty hard to hallucinate visually with weed. I was smoking pretty shitty quality stuff at the time though, but still. So with marijuana, delusions and ocassional mild audio hallucinations, yes. Visual Hallucinations, no. Just doesnt happen in my experience.


Well-Known Member
yeh,it maybe depends on people.some will have auidio,some,i think i rarely have audio halucinations,i also dont have visual 'cartoon' halucinations,but for example : someone makes some move,and i see it differently,like when someone jumps,i see it like he jumped higher or differently ,and it looks funny.if u want cartoons,u must take something like lsd for example.or try halucinating herbs ,there are many in nature :)


Well-Known Member
Iv never had visiual hallucinations, but i have had EXTREME audio hallucinations when i first started smoking herb. Im lucky because for the first year of my smoking career i never paid for one bud. I always snatched some from the folks, and it was sooo potent that high status dealers were buying there personal sacks from me, at the time a scrayney little ninth grader(unfortunatly for that too happen i was jacked first by a big time dealer who then smoked all the weed with other big time dealrs, after that my name was synonimus with super high quality i had to lose some to gain a lot). They were all like DAMN where the fuck do you get your weed from? I wouldnt tell em of course for obvious reasons. Another kid who i knew whos parents smoked bragged about that shit and got his house jacked. I would smoke alot and sit in the dark with my lava lamp and hear full on concerts when there was absoutly no music playing. Not like i would sing these tunes inmy head, but i would sound like i was blasting my sterio! And for some reason it would always start of with Metallicas Harvester of Sorrow, which was strange because iv never really liked metallica all that much.

This is not halucination but innate creativity or photographic recal of sound... I can do the same thing at times... especialy after watching any loud live gig. The music literaly screams in your head at lifesize volume.

This is not uncommon... how did you think mozart an co wrote all those complex pieces for multiple instruments...? by adding education of course.

There are of course herbal drugs which only HAVE audio effect... and they are likely legal and available in your area.

Creativity and even genius, without some education, is uterly wasted and part of the human malaise. We can envisage great things but feel tied to how we see the world and our expectation.

I hope someday there is a brain interface that can directly play the music we hear in our heads. It will be the ultimate instrument... but also the ultimate weapon I guess.


Well-Known Member
This is not halucination but innate creativity or photographic recal of sound... I can do the same thing at times... especialy after watching any loud live gig. The music literaly screams in your head at lifesize volume.

This is not uncommon... how did you think mozart an co wrote all those complex pieces for multiple instruments...? by adding education of course.

There are of course herbal drugs which only HAVE audio effect... and they are likely legal and available in your area.

Creativity and even genius, without some education, is uterly wasted and part of the human malaise. We can envisage great things but feel tied to how we see the world and our expectation.

I hope someday there is a brain interface that can directly play the music we hear in our heads. It will be the ultimate instrument... but also the ultimate weapon I guess.
If we could do that, I'd be in a sick band roaming the country. Hella shit in my head, I just suck at skills so I cant put the sounds in my head to my guitar or anything =(


New Member
I had some OEV's after eating some really potent hash oil cookies. The floor was waving quite a bit like on the come up of a mushie fry.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I was really stoned one night off of a dominant indican strain and had a hallucination. I walked out side and saw a hispanic cartoon cowboy robbing my neigbor's house in my perepheral vision. He jumped their fence and fired his gun and a huge flame came out of his barrel. The cartoon's clothing reminded me of the guy on the Texas Pete hot sauce bottles. It was trippy, but I knew it was the weed.


Well-Known Member
sometimes if i have smoked alot i sometimes see paterns moving in things like carpet/wallpaper and the
walls that look like they are breathing moving in and out,most poeple get abit paraniod when this starts
to happen which in turn makes it more intence.

cannabis is classed as a halucingenic substance but alot of poeple think its a downer cos of the stoned felling