Marijuana inc.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that CNBC is hosting a documentary on their channel called, Marijuana Inc. There is also a poll on their website asking whether or not mary j should be decriminilized. Guess what? It's winning 98%-2%. Help keep the percentage up and check it out at

9pm Pacific/ 1am Eastern


Well-Known Member
I just set for recording on Comcast and realized it came on at 6pm. Beware if you have DTV or something similar. Don't miss it!


Well-Known Member
We just got it Decriminalized im my state for under 1oz. It's a very good thing, although I fear that if it goes country wide I might be losing a fair deal of money anually. If you know what I mean..


Well-Known Member
Setup on DVR...

Not having grown or sold I'm all for total legalization.

Sorry but I'd rather be a legal grower and distributer making less money than a felon rolling in cash, that's just my call though not criticizing at all.



Well-Known Member
I wanted to move to cali so bad after watching this. The plants were so beautiful. However, I don't like the idea of showing americans exactly what pot looks like. Some people have no clue but may now.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about that, half of american smoke bud, they might not all admit to but the do.


Well-Known Member
good show...good post..i recorded it JUST TO WATCH IT AGAIN will b legal soon...AS LONG AS WE KEEP FIGHTIN..420 amen


Well-Known Member
I don't like the idea of showing americans exactly what pot looks like. Some people have no clue but may now.
WTF is that supposed to mean? UP untill now Americans never saw marijuana before? What an idiot. Our Gov. might be crooked as fuck and doing a lot of bad shit to other countries and are against marijuana, but that dont mean Americans dont know what marijuana looks like botard :roll:


Well-Known Member
WTF is that supposed to mean? UP until now Americans never saw marijuana before? What an idiot. Our Gov. might be crooked as fuck and doing a lot of bad shit to other countries and are against marijuana, but that dont mean Americans dont know what marijuana looks like botard :roll:
Dude, most people don't know what it is..They live sheltered lives and don't really care There are entire generations that don't know what it is.
And why the need for the name calling?


Well-Known Member
Dude, most people don't know what it is..They live sheltered lives and don't really care There are entire generations that don't know what it is.
And why the need for the name calling?
His statement is insulting to Americans, that was the need for the name calling. If your an American and you didn't get offended thats you. But he didn't need to say what he said that wasn't needed. Marijuana has been around long enough for the vast majority of the world to know what it is. Yes there may be some "sheltered" people or the young children that still didn't buy their first dime bag from the play ground yet, but at least 90% of America knows what Marijuana looks like. Its not like its some secret thats been hidden for the past 1000 years or anything :roll:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i can't believe that oregon wants to do the same thing as Cali. as to having dispenseries and vending machines, why. me for one don't want that here. if you look at cali and the shit they are pulling down their, why take a chance up here. i personaly don't mind growing my 6 plants and leave it at that. all this talk they were talking about how much money a crop could bring in. and they wonder why cali. is so hot right now. i could be wrong and hope i am but im thinking that cali. is going to be the reasoning why they take it all away.


Well-Known Member
I thought the show was 'tiled' in favor of prohibition with the way it up played the negative points of California at the end. Standard American sensationalist journalism. Pretty crappy if you ask me.

As to the guy who thinks American's don't know what pot looks like, you really need to think before typing. My entire elementary school knew exactly what Marijuana plants looked like as well as the final product. We had a cop come 'show' us what to look for so we could avoid it :wall:. It was all BS of course, but he brought in a real plant as well as real buds. When I did start smoking I had a good idea of what to look for off of that cops 'lecture.'

Yes our former president was an idiot, yes our government sucks in just about every aspect, but don't assume that 1 idiot who's 'henchmen' rigged the election is a representation of the entire populace. You really have no idea what your talking about, I know people who have never smoked who can see, smell and identify a marijuana plant from half a mile a way. Most of America has smoked at some point, over 68% believe in legalization. Somehow I don't think that the majority, who believes in legalization or the super majority who's at least tried it, don't know what it looks like.

Your post only proves that stupidity comes in all nationalities.
