Marijuana into Cuba: A Mission from Jah!


Active Member
Thank you Subcool for posting Trichome Tech story of Cuba since you mentioned it on Weed Nerd i have been waiting for the full article to be published her on RIU. Truly a great piece to read thru i thouroughly enjoyed the work and the pictures. What a good time it must have been the rush from knowing that what your doing is illegal and consequences are dire. I dont know about the progress of the Cuba growers and all that but im sure that this guy is now considered a hero in cuba for his highly noble deed. For those that say the cannabis movement is all about money should read this. The guy put his freedom on the line to take the cuban people great seed stock and asked for no money in return. I wish more people in the industry had more of an attitude like the guy in this piece. Sub and this guy are setting a standard about how people in the industry arent all about the money but about the god given plant and the greatness that goes along with cannabis. I truly hope one day all these peckerwoods in power would see the benefit of this amazing plant. Thanks subcool again and the guy from trichome tech.
That was a cool story. I have been known to do some crazy shit myself, but never international smuggling.

I am sure the seeds will come to good use. Those people have nothing and if they can grow some herb to get high and sell to some tourist they will make much better use than many other kinds of peoples. I really believe there will be good herbs in Cuba now.

You seem to revere Che Guevara and with all due respect he was not a good guy. I will let you and others see for yourselves why I say that. His picture is as iconic as Jim Morrison's, but he is not a good guy at all. Nuff said. Cuba is a poor and isolated country. It is isolated from so many things that most of the world take for granted from commodities to information. Generations of people will live and die there never knowing what the world we live in is really like. It is sad, but who knows. They have a spirit for life that is unspoiled and like the natives in Brazil they are a living anthropological time capsule. Maybe they are better off being left along. Whatever the case, Che and Fidel made Cuba what it is today either directly or indirectly through politics with other countries.

I plan to go to Cuba one day, the same route you took, via Cancun. I will look for some good weed there and if I find it I will give you a toast.


Well-Known Member
Was stationed in gtmo cuba 4 a bit. Beautiful country wish I could of swa what tri saw. Great story and story telling. Thenaks