Marijuana is not natural

The Stig

Well-Known Member
well FIRST taking out males seems to me A LOT complicated (and more natural :-| if u can say that lol) than the whole complex process that involves alcohol production

also who said that you need to burn it? if you want you can vaporize it, cook with it etc... :blsmoke:

I believe weed has to be the most natural drug


Well-Known Member
What the hell.. You consider alcohol natural because its derived from natural ingredients? I can take apart all the components of fucking meth and argue the roots of ALL of it are natural.. after all.. they are form earth right? Thas natural.. just manipulated.. like alcohol distilling. your statement is sad.
You eat peanuts? thats not natural either.. they harvested, dried and cured that TOO.
Something stops being natural once its prepared??


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is not natural? I think you need to go read the definition of natural and rethink your post my friend.


1.existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.

Stop being silly and smoke a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is just like fried chicken! and thats why I love them both:peace: well technically ganja is more natural then fried chicken cause the chickens are fed steroids and its fried in grease and whatnot...


Well-Known Member
Heh, fdapolice said it before me... Being natural has nothing to do with separating males from females... being natural is the fact you do not have to do anything to the plant biologically or chemically to get the desired effect. Pop a seed in, water it, watch it grow, chop it, dry it, consume it. Alcohol is a completely different story. All you have to do is chop off the flowers, let them dry and smoke them... you're theory is bullshit but I'll just take it as you had a stoned moment. It happens to the best of it.

shouldnt it be : It happens to the best of us ?

--- Guess u had a stoney moment aswell :D ? :blsmoke::peace: ---


And u anoy'd me when u just said that about weed ... Alcohol has got loads of diffrent ingredients !

Marijuana is Marijuana... nothing else dude...... :mrgreen::joint::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
shouldnt it be : It happens to the best of us ?

--- Guess u had a stoney moment aswell :D ? :blsmoke::peace: ---


And u anoy'd me when u just said that about weed ... Alcohol has got loads of diffrent ingredients !

Marijuana is Marijuana... nothing else dude...... :mrgreen::joint::blsmoke::peace:
I didn't even notice that he messed that up! lol, stoned moments all around!


Well-Known Member
i agree, mobone is totally in the wrong. First of all male plants grow seeds. Female plants grow flowers. Hermie plants grow seeded flowers. A female can exist without either a male or hermie around. Pure BUDS, naturally in the wild. Your argument would work towards hash and oils but not weed.
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New Member
Marijuana is really as natural as you can get. You can just go out in the forest and get a bud from marijuana and eat it, and if you eat enough you will get high and experience other effects from the marijuana. How is that not natural?

Of course we do other things just to perfect it and enhance the experience, but all are pretty natural. Take out the males, check the PH of the water, give adequate lighting whether that be artificially or natural sunlight. Those are all things we do that are optional. And even then it is still pretty natural. Also, guess how many people died from an overdose on marijuana?...0. Alcohol occurs naturally but its more like something rotting, when juice gets old enough it turns into alcohol and its basically rotting and not good to drink, I guess thats kind of natural though. Still, you can die from drinking too much alcohol fairly easy, however dying from an overdose on marijuana is almost physically impossible.


Well-Known Member
Not to knock weed or anything but I'm just a little annoyed when I hear people say "its natural!" "its from the earth" so for that reason ts better than alcohol... Lets look at this more.

Alcohol is made from plants that come from the ground. High quality alcohol is made through a rather complex process but can be simplified with a reduced quality.

marijuana is a plant that comes from the ground. But in order to get the stuff you want you must remove the males, there in lies the human touch. Not only that but marijuana growing can be just as complex as making alcohol. It all depends on the quality you want.

Not to mention once you light it you change the chemical structure of it, making it a whole different story.

I'm not saying I don't think weed is better than alcohol, I'm just saying that one claim just isn't very accurate to me.
I didn't read all, but alcohol, is in the same boat..human touch... alcohol is a chemical reaction.... same as is burning...both with adverse affects..


Active Member
BOTH are natural. Both marijuana and alcohol can be seen in nature at any time. When it comes right down to it, neither one is GOOD for your body, but if you're looking for the euphoric getaway, you basically have to pick your poison. Literally.
well i agree but i could even as far to say that if used properly then Marijuana CAN be good for you whereas i don't really see a medicinal alcohol dispensary around... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if a potato fermented on its own, wouldnt you have to..bottle it? thus brings human touch into affect?

if you seperated the male plant from a female plant its still coming from the earth is it not?


Well-Known Member
BOTH are natural. Both marijuana and alcohol can be seen in nature at any time. When it comes right down to it, neither one is GOOD for your body, but if you're looking for the euphoric getaway, you basically have to pick your poison. Literally.
A lot of people who suffer neurological pain, arthritic pain, plus many other conditions, including but not limited to cancer would argue your point re cannabis being 'not good' for your body.

To compare the two drugs in point form:

Long term Alcohol abuse will destroy your liver. Plus, there are at least forty recognised diseases and/or conditions that have been recognised as caused by long term alcohol abuse. Alcohol overdose can kill you.

Long term cannabis abuse can lead to withdrawn personalities, or psychic disorders (only in people pre-disposed to these condition, ie-genetically). There are no recognised disorders caused by long term cannabis abuse other than upper respiratory tract problems such as a bronchial cough. If cannabis is taken as food, this condition does not present. Cannabis overdose causing death is for all intents and purposes, impossible. There were reports in the late 1800's of someone in India or Nepal dying after 'eating' too much hashish.

Alcohol has no medicinal use other than as a base antiseptic or preservative.

Cannabis has a 5000 year history of recognised medicinal uses and was a common medicine in the Western world up until the late 1800's, early 1900's.
Latest research suggests that cannabis could prevent or halt cancers (eg colon cancer) and may even be able to cure certain brain (GBM) cancers. There are people taking daily oral doses of Hash Oil that are reporting shrinking or disappearing cancers. Cannabis has recently been recognised as one of the most effective neurological (nerve) pain relievers ever tested. I could go on...

In terms of a 'euphoric getaway', I'd suggest that if people were given a choice between a drug that could get you high, but also rot your liver or kill you if you took too much, and a drug that could get you high and if you took too much you'd either have a good sleep or at worst throw up, then I think most would choose the latter.

For many of us, cannabis is an effective medicine. The fact that we can also use it safely as a recreational drug that makes us feel good is just an added bonus.


Well-Known Member
Females that are pollinated by males and produce seeds still have buds that are more then capable of getting you high. Hence the term "bagseed".

Also, lone females occur in nature, as do lone males. Un-Pollinated females happen to be more potent then pollinated females, but that doesn't change the chemical composition of the drug. It just means the user can consume less to get the same desired effect.

The drugs in marijuana are completely naturally. Marijuana is as natural a drug as it gets, and it is one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man (especially when ingested, not smoked).


Well-Known Member
its natural because the human race creates it. Whats not natural about that..

its like stem cells

natural but ... .. . lol you get the picture