Marijuana legal in Colorado, but employers can lawfully fire workers!

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Most companies that employ people have to follow federal workplace and safety rules and regulations, and that translates into carrying different types of insurance. And most insurance companies will force the companies they insure to perform some form of drug testing or they will drop them in most cases, or charge them more and this is usually a very significant amount. And being marijuana is still illegal under federal law and companies have to follow federal rules it makes it almost impossible for a company to bypass or drop drug testing from it's policies, whether the upper management or owner wishes it to or not.

I read this article yesterday and was surprised this was about a legal MEDICAL patient, not a rec user. So the precedent already set, and now reset at least in CO, will make it a even tougher if not impossible hurdle to get past without actually having marijuana legalized at the federal level. Something I doubt will ever happen at least in this decade.

I SMELL a HIGH unemployment rate in Colorado's future. Sad but true. I don't need to take drug tests as I work for myself but people I know use the synthetic piss kit with the heating pad and built-in thermometer with great success. But eventually testing will become much more frequent and much more sophisticated. It's a market of all it own. They are even starting mandatory drug testing in high schools for athletes and will soon be including all students I'm sure.

My advice to smokers is fight the good fight but be prepared to lose that good fight in the short-run at least and have a good test beating system on hand at all times.


New Member
the gov't just fined my buddy 2,000 bucks for not having a drug testing policy in place at his business.Had nothing to do with his insurance.This blew his mind.It isn't his insurances that came after him.It was the gov't

Around here just b/c you fail a test doesn't mean you lose your job(if they like you)

A few employers I know let the card holders slide b/c fear a legal battle w/some dumb motherfucker


Well-Known Member
the gov't just fined my buddy 2,000 bucks for not having a drug testing policy in place at his business.Had nothing to do with his insurance.This blew his mind.It isn't his insurances that came after him.It was the gov't

Around here just b/c you fail a test doesn't mean you lose your job(if they like you)

A few employers I know let the card holders slide b/c fear a legal battle w/some dumb motherfucker
who the hell fined the company 2 grand for that stupid shit. its up to the company to decide to drug test or not, not the federal government.


Active Member
I still understand where employers are coming from. For every responsible user, there is a user who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Well-Known Member
one of the big issues is workers compensation. an on the job injury typically triggers a drug test, and coverage is denied if the test is failed. please also note that commercial drivers are subject to federal rules and regulations, and they are required to take and pass tests. if they hit someone and piss dirty, they go to jail. companies have enough problems staying in business, keeping a work force in place that is using is not high on most HR workers list of things to do at work. just sayin'.

I don't agree with it all, but I do understand it.


bud bootlegger
one of the big issues is workers compensation. an on the job injury typically triggers a drug test, and coverage is denied if the test is failed. please also note that commercial drivers are subject to federal rules and regulations, and they are required to take and pass tests. if they hit someone and piss dirty, they go to jail. companies have enough problems staying in business, keeping a work force in place that is using is not high on most HR workers list of things to do at work. just sayin'.

I don't agree with it all, but I do understand it.
the big problem i have with this is thc stays in the system for way long, and i could smoke on my hours i'm off, not be high while working and still fail a drug test even though i haven't smoked or been high while at work, so how is this even some what fair or right? just because i like to smoke some cannabis when i get off of work like 99% of people go home and drink a beer, ok, i made that number up, but you get the point.. why should i be penalized because of what i do in my time away from work when people who drink alcohol don't have to suffer the same consequences..??
complete horse shit, as is the fact that one of the least harmless drugs stays in your system the longest