Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll


Well-Known Member
Apparently, this was the poll running on - I don't even think it got mentioned here - amazing! :hump:

Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll

Since its launch Wednesday, the "Open for Questions" tool processed over 600,000 votes from more than 10,000 people on more than 7,300 questions.

People submitting questions in this Online event seem to identify the legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana overall, as a top priority.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Hope he gets the message and stops the federal prosecution of good law abiding people like Ed Rosenthal and all the others that are singled out by the feds even though they are following the laws.


Well-Known Member
Just came across this, thought it was an interesting and relevant.

The Drug Enforcement Administration is an agency of the United States Department of Justice. The two paragraphs below are taken directly off the DEA's web site. "Marijuana is the most widely used and readily available drug in the United States, and is the only major drug of abuse grown within the U.S. borders. The DEA is aggressively striving to halt the spread of cannabis cultivation in the United States. To accomplish this, the DEA initiated the Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (DCE/SP), which is the only nationwide law enforcement program that exclusively targets Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO) involved in cannabis cultivation.... In 2007, the DCE/SP was responsible for the eradication of 6,599,599 cultivated outdoor cannabis plants and 434,728 indoor plants. In addition, the DCE/SP has attributed for 8,321 arrests and the seizure in excess of 54.9 million dollars of cultivator assets. The program also removed 4,909 weapons from cannabis cultivators."
It further reported "in 2007, the DEA State and Local Task Force Program had expanded to 218 state and local task forces, of which 173 are program funded and 45 are provisional. The difference between funded and provisional state and local task forces is that the financial support for funded task forces is provided by DEA headquarters and includes additional resources for state and local overtime. Provisional task forces are supported by the operating budgets of DEA field division offices, without resources from DEA headquarters, and do not included state and local overtime. These task forces are staffed by 1, 670 DEA special agents and 2,875 state and local police officers. Participating state and local task force officers are deputized to perform the same functions as DEA special agents. See U.S. Map of DEA Task Forces."

The second wave of federal opposition is the Presidents Office of National Drug Control Policy whose National Drug Control Strategy FY 2009 Budget Summary calls for $14.1 billion more of the same.


Active Member
I love how people think he's for "change" yet he is filling up his administration with well known crooks & liars. It's the same folks, the game is rigged. We have two parties, but they're controlled by the same people behind the scenes.

I think our best hope is Barry Cooper and what he's doing to expose the prosecution of non-violent marijuana offenders, corrupt cops, and how much better off we all would be with those folks out of prison and our taxes not being spent on this stupid shit.


New Member
Yes we voted at

Yes we voted at

Yes they ignored us both times.

They want to hear from the people as long as the people are parroting what the administration wants to hear.


Well-Known Member
I had just heard yesterday regarding the first DEA raids under Obama that the White House is still committed to ending the raids, but the current DEA isn't listening - a Bush holdover. Waiting to see...


Well-Known Member
I had just heard yesterday regarding the first DEA raids under Obama that the White House is still committed to ending the raids, but the current DEA isn't listening - a Bush holdover. Waiting to see...
Yeah the problem with that is he's the President for christ sake. He had no problem issuing a directive to stop trials of terrorists at guantanamo but he can't take the 20 seconds it would take him to sign a directive to stop these riads. There have been seven now since he took office.

I was willing to cut him some slack on the first few but this is too much now.