no no no its not actual pollen. its just called that because it crumbles between your fingers easily into a powder, like pollen. its just a name, heres a picture of it and the descripton from the siteWTF is Master Kush pollen. Male pollen, dont want that to smoke.
alright, i was just kinda gonna break it up into medium sized rocks and throw them in my hookah through out the day for us to smoke, i dont know if ill have enough for who shows up could be 10 could be 30, but 7grams of hash is expensive to go through in one day, i'll see ill probably get caught up in the moment and smoke everyone.I figured as much, but kinda wierd they call it pollen. its not at all its unpressed Trichs MMMMMMMMMM I burn a c99 doob with yeah at the march if I can hit that "pollen" lol see yea there!
Hm... I may be able to swing this one.. I'll see if my fiance can switch around his work schedule...
i have always wanted to go there but i thought it was medicinal acess only. plus isnt it expensive? well i guess if we booked off a large amount of people it might be cheaperHot Box Cafe is good but I always feel like i'm going to get arrested there. it can be a little skrtchy at times. But Kindred Cafe is HIGH class. good eats and a real nice roof top patio. There is also Vapo central a valcano Vapo lounge
oooo. maybe even a baby sitter...Come on Milfy, you can get here, lol It is going to be a blast.![]()
i saw a picture of a baby at the marijuana march, who brings a baby to the march, considering their size the contact high would be tremendous.oooo. maybe even a baby sitter...that would b nice.. lol..
greyhounds run through there find outlol anyone swinging through michigan lol... i need a ride... can you take a train to there?
... i am really gonna make an effort to come... we should orginize this asap so we can make solid plans.
i just think it would be fuckin sweet to have a riu convention.
its not really a convention, more or less a meet up. you can call it what you want lol. HoLE is currently working on maps and such. lol wow i thought this was just gonna be a few people meeting up it has really taken off. but now there is people coming from anyone swinging through michigan lol... i need a ride... can you take a train to there?
... i am really gonna make an effort to come... we should orginize this asap so we can make solid plans.
i just think it would be fuckin sweet to have a riu convention.