Marijuana Mayhem: Drivers In Canada Set Up To Get Busted For Stoned Driving

no such thing....its happening whether you like it or not,bitching on a cannabis forum changes nothing.i just wont smoke and drive.its that simple!like im going against in this life for me and my family,thats it,i owe you zero pal.
i dont agree with the law,but there is nothing i could ever ever do to change it.i will make some money off it though,and wont lose a wink of sleep over it

i worked my ass of my whole life!most of it working construction labor,and not a pussy,stand around union workers!

your way of thinking is messed up...blaming me for the laws,get over it friend,or get off your ass,go into politics and change it
nice welcome fellas...
i wasnt rude,and got treated like a douche...4 people making fun of my wifes death....real fuckin funny!and i contribute nothing?you should be ashamed!really ashamed!fuckin punks,how dare you talk about my wife like that
I've been looking at various stocks myself. For those of you with stocks in TFSAs I'd look into exactly what stocks you're holding.

Ya know, if you're gonna take the moral high ground and all.
can you please explain gb123??
ive never smoked/drank and drove in the last 10 not worried about being pulled over,as long as i look/talk sober and have no weed smell in my vehicle im not worried the least i know every cop in my town
acmpr patients need to have bloodwork done to get a license?
i have a dr appt to sign my acmpr paperwork technically still covered under the mmar
can you please explain gb123??
ive never smoked/drank and drove in the last 10 not worried about being pulled over,as long as i look/talk sober and have no weed smell in my vehicle im not worried the least i know every cop in my town
if you smoke a joint every day , or ingest,,every four hours like medical people do..
just like people medicate shit pharma drugs for illnesses that dont really work as well..
You would have to abstain for weeks to get to a point where the laws wont touch you..even though you are not impaired like they will say you are.
Devils weed is going to be a run around
i bike everywhere anyways..i like to stay fit
I wonder when we'll hear about being intoxicate with pot in a public place? Same as drunks get..... yer not allowed to be intoxicated in public eh..
up until recreant they would charge people in canoes for impaired..