Marijuana plant has tons of pistols but now 2 little balls

I am growing a cannabis plant and it's 19 days into flowering, it now has tons of white pistils on the nodes and they're everywhere. I just noticed this morning that two little balls are growing beside the small buds, what does this mean and what do I do now? Thanks, I'm a new grower by the way :p


Well-Known Member
if they are indeed balls then you have a hermaphrodite on your might have been stressed into sexual propagation can either remove them every time one pops up or start over.its a bummer but she could continue trying to seed herself the entire cycle.who knows though if you pluck off the ones there rn they might not grow back.good luck


Well-Known Member
OK first step is google "hermie cannabis" or seach the site Learn as much about hermies as you can. Alot of us growers consider them one of our worst enemies. Beside cops and bugs and thieves.. But before you jump on google, grab a pair of tweezers and plush those balls. they are pollen sacks. Do not use ur hands. If the balls have white hairs coming from them or brown hairs this may be another story. pics would help. but use google and see f they look like hermie balls and pluck em