Marijuana Policy Project


Active Member
The Marijuana Policy Project is the largest organization working against marijuana prohibition and reforming the marijuana laws at the local, state, and federal levels. Upon visiting their site, there are links to ALL 50 states, where you can write your state reps and legislators. They even have sample letters already written for you, so you can click the mouse and your done. It is better though, to write your own letter to personalize it more.
Here is the link tot heir site:
It is time for everyone to be more active. These state reps and politicians need to know that LOTS of people support this cause. There isn't any reason that each and every one of you who reads this should not send a quick message. Become active, right now, you CAN make a difference :bigjoint:
Also, legalization of marijuana was the biggest topic on Barack Obama's website, Let's keep it moving!
-I am posting this here because I only ever see like 2 people viewing the legalization section. On here there is more traffic so more people will see it, so please mods keep the thread in this section. Thank you!:peace:

old pothead

Well-Known Member
would never vote for it.The other three all were for it,and one of them was a co author of my states bill.The two that said they would not vote for it, we sent them a reply stating that we would do everything in our power to make sure they never held public office again.
My wife has glaucoma and is losing her eyesite due the the meds not reducing the pressure in here eyes.Pot has been proven to be the most effective at doing this.Some assholes don't give a fuck about anyone.OPH