Marijuana Prohibition Summed Up

Yep, that seemed to be the very point. :)

did you ever notice we hire people to represent us in washington and they don't?

it's the voters on state level we must convince and make the change..we need to stop voting for those who want to keep things status quo and business as usual..WE are the ones effected immediately..WE are the ones who need to step up to the plate and send message that we will no longer's happening everywhere now.

never in history has the vote been worth more than it is now.
did you ever notice we hire people to represent us in washington and they don't?

it's the voters on state level we must convince and make the change..we need to stop voting for those who want to keep things status quo and business as usual..WE are the ones effected immediately..WE are the ones who need to step up to the plate and send message that we will no longer's happening everywhere now.

never in history has the vote been worth more than it is now.

the eric cantor election upset historical and PROVES that change can come from within on state level.

think about it..this guy spent $5M (the other guy spent just over $100k), served 7 terms and was just about ready to take speaker after boehner...that's 3rd in line to presidency!

he was out of used to buy elections..the more in your face; the better your odds.

that strategy is old and we have so many millenials that don't believe in religion/racism doesn't appeal to them..even the kochs have stated they are waiting until there is a clear cut candidate to back.

they're smart and are children of science/technology..first generation to completely grow up with everything that is "i", ipad, ipod iphone.