Marijuana seedling slow growth , 1 week and 3 days in


Hello y'all, currently growing a master kush plant. I've planted it a week and 3 days ago. Not seeing much of a growth . I have 3x 60 watt bulbs ...5000 k cool. My plant is growing kinda slow . I have a fan and exhaust . The bulbs are about 3 inch from the plant . The soil is organic choice MG potting soil. HELP


Well-Known Member
The light would be better at 6500K. No matter - it's roots before shoots. The plant only sends up what you see for light energy to grow a root system to support itself with.
i agree hotrod, growth will be slow at first. BUT if you are not using any fertilizer, you should. A LOW dose.

edit: didnt realize you were using miracle grow soil. I heard mircle grow makes strong/heavy fertilized soil. So actually you may not even need to add nutes yet.
I agree, but I also think that if he had just plain old soil(not nute rich soil) it would help the plant to be healthier and grow a wee bit faster if he used a low dose of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
That plant is slightly small but not really. He said he planted 10 days ago. That could mean the seedlings is anywhere from 2-7 days old. If he told us when it SPROUTED then we would know if it is on target or not.


If the roots are really growing down there , how long do u guys think it will take for the plant to start growin leafs again?