I've ordered from them 3 times with great results. 7-8 days delivery and 95% germ rate. The end product has been just as advertised each time. Mazars were a little weak, but hell, they're free!
iv ordered big bud seeds and i probly wouldnt of known bout the back when i got them thnx for the info and tell you the truth i got one realy nice mazar x afghan female growing right now from the free bees this plant is about 4 1/2 feet so far with about 2 oz's on it so far should be ready in about 1 week the trichomes have a 50% amber coloring on them.

.p.s. just 8 1/2 hours of sun light and water with the accasional tabaco tea spray for bugs and mammals :weed:
I think my next order may be from them, Depending on how the nirvana seeds turn out.

And really funny. Why would they waste time to send you something empty.
Of course you should have known to fuckin look, Thats why they call it
"stealth" shipping.
Had very good luck with MS.NL , but did not like the free Mazar Afghan. First free batch I got only 3 out of 5 germinated. All the ones I paid for germinated. The one female Mazar Afghan was so friggin bushy there was no room for light to get to the buds. Oh well, the other seeds were very impressive. Just as they described.
Ive never seen a complaint about a girl being to bushy-priceless.
This is the only site I order from...100% germ. ratio so far with 30 seeds...and to the dude who wasnt smart enoff to take the cd case apart ..I WANT WHAT YOUR SMOKIN!!
You've never complained about a girl being TOO bushy!? I mean you get hair in your teeth....Oh your talkin bout... never mind.
Well I ordered a 10 pack of Medi Bud femenized seeds from them and got the 5 free Mazar x Afghan seeds too. I had a 100% germ ratio on all of them. Shipping was very quick and this is the second order I've placed with them. If your interested about the quality of their seeds then follow my grow journal! :) they are 3 days old from germination and are entering the seedling phase. If I am satisfied with the genetics I will definitely order from them again....
I ordered some NL and WW from them today, the price is right.

Thumbs up to I ordered my 10 super skunk seeds on the 27th, got the shipping confirmation the next day, and just recieved my the package today.

I don't know if I have ever been so relieved to see mail in my box before...I chose the standard stealth and I was beginning to worry that my cheapness had caused them to be intercepted.

Now we shall see how well they germ and grow.
Dude when they send you your seeds the send you an Email telling you exactly how your seeds are packed. I have ordered three times and always got what i ordered in under 8 days. The afgam Mazzar suck hu? Oh well they were free. I am trying THC bomb Afgan Cheese and Super silver haze this time.
Hey Coltn420, that's a Shitty quality KMK tat. If i were u i would beat the fuck outta the artist that did that shit. Iv seen way better quality than that. U got screwed big time


nevermind, outta ten, i have two females (of the freebies)....Ive killed the 8 others tho lol

Cool, maybe I'll end up with the 8 females and 2 males...I'll let you know.

Quality should go with saying!
Its allright having quality but if you've ordered femmed seeds and end up getting a couple of males and not hermies is that quality???
Anywayz having recieved an email back from over the males my thoughts on the company "STILL" holds true!
They offer a fantastic service and i for 1 will "NOT" be looking for a different seed supplier!
I've no reason to DOUBT the quality of their products as i did my research and actually spoke to people who have grown their seeds out...EVERY single person i spoke to highly recommends them,i don't promote companies just for the sake of it and i especially don't promote them just for the sake of a quick delivery,you got that part twisted.
As i said...the mark of a good company is the way it reacts to a customer problem..As far as im concerned have taken care of the problem in a first class manor and have a customer for life.


Well if it ends up being ok. at least with these guys they are pretty cheap, so you don't have much invested.

I dont care what anyone says..





Superior NUTES house & garden
shooting powder!

this is what i got....

and yes its smoke just as good as it loooks!

That's great to hear! I ordered that strain, along with NL from these guys and I'm waiting for it to come.

That's some nice look'n Rope bro.!!!
Hey Good Seed Company I order On 9-9-09 And They Was Here in USA on The 9-16-09 . 7-10 Days Not Bad!! I Just Started Germ and Going to Grow Them in Bubble Stealth Hydro. Hope They Dont Grow 2 Big.. 6ft is the Max Height I got of Space.. Anyone Know the AVG Per plant Per OZ ? I was Thinking Like 2-3 OZ's ..
Ive had a good and bad experience from them.

The good: I ordered 10 Top 44 seeds from them, they came with the free Mazar. They came stealth, and in about 7-9 days. Which is pretty good.

The bad: I germinated 5 of the Mazar and 6 of the Top 44 with no results. I still have 4 Top 44 and 5 Mazar seeds left. So there is still a chance for good to come out of this.

I would still order from this site, giving them 1 more chance to have a successfull germination rate.

They are reasonable in prices and very good with the shipping. They did send me an e-mail saying they have recieved payment and they ship on mondays.

They passed customs, which brings up a question. If customs suspects something fishy, would/could they run the package thru some kind of radiation to kill the seeds? Im just wondering why Im having 0% germination rate so far. The seeds look nice, and I followed good germination technique.

Any thoughts on this?
They passed customs, which brings up a question. If customs suspects something fishy, would/could they run the package thru some kind of radiation to kill the seeds? Im just wondering why Im having 0% germination rate so far. The seeds look nice, and I followed good germination technique.

Any thoughts on this?

thats a really good point... I would think that they would just destroy or hold the package before they would do that though.. Along with noting your adress,name on package etc etc...But is there any other way that seeds coulf be "accidentally" sterilized? Like random xrays etc? I heard mytrhs about customs smashing seeds but I never believed the stories..