Marijuana Seeds

anyone ever delt with THE ATTITUDE SEED BANK Cannabis Seeds | Marijuana Seeds | The Attitude Seed Bank Co. They seemed to be ok with me with a couple of questions i asked i didn't not get registered cause i thought it might be a security risk, but maybe i should have? They told me it would take them 7-10bussiness days. Just wondering if any of u have heard of them. Also i have ordered a bunch of seeds form gypsy now seed boutique, and got everything i order and some freebees. I don't really now how long they last but i'm growing 3 mandala hashberry plants from seed that i order 3 or 4 years ago
I just wanted to post another update so you all will know what you are dealing with when you deal with Nirvana. As I posted a week or so ago, they sent me an email saying they had screwed up. Well, I never heard anything else from them and I sent them an email yesterday to see what the status of the order is and still no reply.... I guess we will see. Needless to say if they don't fix this screw up I will not be ordering any more seeds from Nirvana.......
I got my order from the attitude i haven't picked it up yet but the post man left a note that i have to sign for it i guess i didn't realize i got registered but it guess i did. Oh well goin to pic up in the mornin. gigaty gigaty allllriiight!:hump:
I know BCBD is called out as a bad bank but I went for it anyway. Theyre the only ones with what I want (God Bud). I ordered on the 15th. I know what you are all thinkin, "what a dumbass". Well i have noticed there are multiple bad reviews for many banks...almost all. It's not the bank though most likely in the US. Its homeland security or customs snaggin your beans. SO, I thought hell with it my luck is just as good with any really. I am gonna keep a positive mental attitude and hopefully, they will come. From what I have heard they do get over whelmed and they have a small staff but they do eventually communicate and they do resend if nabbed (supposedly). I am still on schedule so far. Hopefully it all comes together for me. Wish me luck folks.
i bought seeds from nirvana like a 3 almost 4 weeks now. im in the u.s. should i be worried? or are they going to show up... any one know? thnx
Yeah I'm getting some from BC Seed king sometime today or tomorrow. The location of the business is only a 6 hour drive from my place so they should be hella soon, I'm getting BC God Bud and BC Mango Bud
Yeah I'm getting some from BC Seed king sometime today or tomorrow. The location of the business is only a 6 hour drive from my place so they should be hella soon, I'm getting BC God Bud and BC Mango Bud

Yo man
lemme know how it turns out becuase I am From Canada Ontario
and might wanna order seeds from them
I know BCBD is called out as a bad bank but I went for it anyway. Theyre the only ones with what I want (God Bud). I ordered on the 15th. I know what you are all thinkin, "what a dumbass". Well i have noticed there are multiple bad reviews for many banks...almost all. It's not the bank though most likely in the US. Its homeland security or customs snaggin your beans. SO, I thought hell with it my luck is just as good with any really. I am gonna keep a positive mental attitude and hopefully, they will come. From what I have heard they do get over whelmed and they have a small staff but they do eventually communicate and they do resend if nabbed (supposedly). I am still on schedule so far. Hopefully it all comes together for me. Wish me luck folks.

Well I have an update... my order was supposedly shipped out today - I suppose we will see soon. I guess they took a week to process because they are at the spannabis cup so they were like a week behind on emails etc. Like i far so good.
I got ripped off and treated very rudely at HGS. I do not recommend them. It says 5 or 10 day delivery i waited 6 weeks still nothing. They then be very rude and they do not try to fix it and make it better. If you remember anything remember HIGH GRADE SEEDS is a rip off!!!!
Arite seed update I'm a couple bucks short for the money order so I bought a gram and I'm going to have to wait an extra day or two before ordering
hey i desperatly need this answerd as i am planning to order seeds soon! has anyuone ever tried BC buddha? im lookin on and am interested in the feminized BC buddha> anyone have experice with it, and if started end of may outdoor, will it be finished by the beginning of sept?.. any info woul dbe great
total noob question, but does drchronic actually sell their own seeds or what? I went to their site and it seems like they just have links to other sites that sell. When buying from there, do you just click any of the links from the seed bank or what? any and all help is appreciated, this noob really needs it! thanks!