Marijuana trees... Perennial, why not?


Active Member
If they can cross with a ruderalis to make an auto flower, why couldnt they find a way to make MJ a perennial?

If this was done, it would be impossible to control MJ production worldwide. Trees growing everywhere, or is it just a dream?


Well-Known Member
If they can cross with a ruderalis to make an auto flower, why couldnt they find a way to make MJ a perennial?

If this was done, it would be impossible to control MJ production worldwide. Trees growing everywhere, or is it just a dream?
Funny I was just pondering this myself a few minutes ago, I'm thinking its not long before someone figures out how to make it happen. Maybe it will come from a lab, maybe it will come from some incredibly smart hippies who travel all over. But I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen in the next 10 years with how popular marijuana is becoming (means more people trying to figure this out).

I imagine someone would have to get some kinda auto hermie that would revert back to veg and then go back to flowering after awhile. Then stabalize it so it doesn't pop out bananas all the time. Or to get some strain that will reveg and reflower without growing bananas. I imagine they will have indoor perennial marijuana plants before outdoor perennials.