growing marijuana in most places is a shitty charge to get stuck with so growing it as an ornamental is just plain stupid. ther are plants that look exactly like it so grow one of those and save your fine money aand keep your freedom, if yer gonna take the risk just to be like look i got a marijuana plant in my room so you can be the cool one out of all of your frnds thats plain stupid, get a dwarf green japanese maple
then thers the simple fact that your gonna have ppl at your house who will know its their and get you busted or you have a party and the cops come and drag your ass out
Yeah it might look stupid if I was like a regular punk teenager,
but I don't have parties in my room or anything,
it's just like a couple of people that come over,
spread the bud and the love,
and chill to triphop on my wicked soundsystem,
I was just in the middle of redecorating though,
and I was thinking of putting a plant in my room to add to the decoration,
like my dad is licensed to grow and everything,
I don't need to worry about the cops,
If you think it's a stupid idea,
that's okay,
but I would like to do it.
I'm actually having an idea on how to do it,
I don't have any indoor growing tools,
but I have 30 watt Cfls,
that I could rig to grow the girl till shes about 22 days in,
kind of bushy,
and let her free range in my room as an ornament.
I'll give you a picture of my room,
It's layered in trippy art that I painted myself,
with a wicked soundsystem,
some of my famous clothing designs are going up on the wall,
my old studs and patches,
guitar racks for my bass,electric,acoustic,
an empty square with a marker nailed to the wall for people to sign,
I converted my one window into a fishtank,
the window itself is filled with water,
some plants and goldfish,
my room is like a long strip basically half the upstairs.
Its pretty cool,
do you respect my idea to put a plant in my room now?