a fraud???

yeah, it sounds like you didnt have your grow area light tight, rendering your plants into pieces of shit.

if your a first time grower, im sure your setup wasnt "perfect"...are you really that arrogant?
Hi. I recently placed an order on this site Feminized Marijuana Seeds, and they overcharged me. I contacted them about it, and they said the corrected my order, but I still haven't been refunded in full. What's more, the last time I ordered from them, I ordered some White Widow, and the plants never produced bud. They were difinitely some kind of very large hemp plant, but definitely not WW. I think this company might be a fraud and their representatives all scam artists, so I was wondering about other peoples' experiences with this company. Supposedly they are a top-ranked company (on top of the list) Marijuana Seeds and Marijuana Seed Banks Review.
Hi. I recently placed an order on this site Feminized Marijuana Seeds, and they overcharged me. I contacted them about it, and they said the corrected my order, but I still haven't been refunded in full. What's more, the last time I ordered from them, I ordered some White Widow, and the plants never produced bud. They were difinitely some kind of very large hemp plant, but definitely not WW. I think this company might be a fraud and their representatives all scam artists, so I was wondering about other peoples' experiences with this company.

Ya know its pretty sad when people use this site to try & damage seed company reputations,you didnt write this thread to figure out what happened nor did you want to hear other peoples experiences with the same company,you wanted to inflict as much damage as possible on this company in the shortest amount of time.

You post silly sideways poorly light pictures of your plants then refuse to answer any questions about your room,you dont want to figure out what happened,you've allready made your mind up that you've been cheated.

The reason i asked the questions i did was to either validate or debunk your claim of the seed's being hemp seeds,think about this,your a nobody(no insult intended) & the seed company is widely respected,a nobody cant accuse a widely respected company of wrong doing without supplying all the facts,infact refusing to answer questions posed to you makes you look like your hell bent for revenge instead of getting to the bottom of what went wrong.

If you want to prove that this company cheated you it's going to require some effort on your part,if you just want to rant thats the easy part.
Ya know its pretty sad when people use this site to try & damage seed company reputations,you didnt write this thread to figure out what happened nor did you want to hear other peoples experiences with the same company,you wanted to inflict as much damage as possible on this company in the shortest amount of time.

You post silly sideways poorly light pictures of your plants then refuse to answer any questions about your room,you dont want to figure out what happened,you've allready made your mind up that you've been cheated.

The reason i asked the questions i did was to either validate or debunk your claim of the seed's being hemp seeds,think about this,your a nobody(no insult intended) & the seed company is widely respected,a nobody cant accuse a widely respected company of wrong doing without supplying all the facts,infact refusing to answer questions posed to you makes you look like your hell bent for revenge instead of getting to the bottom of what went wrong.

If you want to prove that this company cheated you it's going to require some effort on your part,if you just want to rant thats the easy part.
very nicely put mate, i dnt knw if anybody has seen the thread by DWR in cfl growing,he was growing WW and his plant never bud. and think am rite in saying we all make mistakes and some time there costly,but we need these mistakes to improve the way we grow.:)
Whatever. YOU are a nobody, and I don't take being called a nobody an insult, so sorry if that dissapoints you in a sick way. I DID post the pics because I wanted some opinions on what the plants looked like. I'm sorry I'm not a very talented photographer, and the reason it's dark is because I didn't want to turn on the light and disturb their dark period. I don't know why you are so intent on defending this company after seeing how it treated me. My initial intent was not to bash this company, but indeed to get opinions on what these fucking plants were, because I'm pretty sure that a plant that does not produce bud is NOT MARIJUANA. And, if this is the case, I have every right to tell the world that this seed company screwed me. But I guess next time I'll keep my mouth shut and let the same thing happen to YOU.
And, btw, I don't use cfls. I have a very nice (and fucking expensive) set up with proper lighting, ventilation, co2 output, great nutrients, etc. I don't have to get to specifics, 1. because I'm a lazy bitch, and 2. because I don't feel the need to explain myself to a bunch of fucking idiots.
I have ordered frome them twice the first time was WW BB and got the Thia for free Every thing was great I am in the process of my second grow from them Blueberry Purple power and free Afgan seeds my plants were just switched to 12/12 and are looking great.
Whatever. YOU are a nobody, and I don't take being called a nobody an insult, so sorry if that dissapoints you in a sick way. I DID post the pics because I wanted some opinions on what the plants looked like. I'm sorry I'm not a very talented photographer, and the reason it's dark is because I didn't want to turn on the light and disturb their dark period. I don't know why you are so intent on defending this company after seeing how it treated me.

Your right about one thing,we are all nobody (including myself) when it comes to negative comments about any company,you miss what im getting at because your judgement is clouded by anger,you mention that "you dont see why im sticking up for that company after seeing how they've treated you" ,im not trying to stick up for the company,but ive not seen how they treated you either,all ive seen is you bitching,i could not care less about this seed company,i'll never order any seeds from any company in my lifetime.

My point is this,you write a thread asking for opinions,then YOU freak straight out at anybody who questions your motives,did you really expect that we'd all just fall over & take your side when you've offered zero evidence except blurry,dark sideways pictures?,infact you refuse to even think about giving any real evidence to support your claims,you just go on & on about how bad you got screwed,that may very well be the case & its quite possible that you got shit seeds but as long as you think the best approach is to be a bitch (your words) then be prepared to be viewed as such.

Your going up against an established company with claims of fraud,i'd think the smart move would be to chill out for a while & resubmit a new thread,with evidence supporting your claims,or you can continue to rant,its your thread.

Have a great sunday,i am :blsmoke:
And, btw, I don't use cfls. I have a very nice (and fucking expensive) set up with proper lighting, ventilation, co2 output, great nutrients, etc. I don't have to get to specifics, 1. because I'm a lazy bitch, and 2. because I don't feel the need to explain myself to a bunch of fucking idiots.

sorry to hear about your seed issues. please refrain from attacking fellows members. :peace:
i grew orange bud, aurora indica, blueberry, and ww next to each other. all seeds from this company. each one not only produced bud, but produced in very characteristic ways respective to the buddy just ordered seeds from them last night on my recommendation and i am not worried in the slightest.

things happen man, work with them in a calm collected manner and i am sure they will try to help you
just planted my seeds from there today WW. i'll let you "NOBODYS" know if i have any problems with budding. and if I do have problems with them (first time grower), i'll have no problems explaining the setup in detail. i am in no way shape or form arrogant enough to say that it was not my fault.
just planted my seeds from there today WW. i'll let you "NOBODYS" know if i have any problems with budding. and if I do have problems with them (first time grower), i'll have no problems explaining the setup in detail. i am in no way shape or form arrogant enough to say that it was not my fault.

I hope nobody took my comment of being a "nobody" the wrong way but it seems several have,it was never meant as an insult.

My thinking is this,one customer or person is a "nobody" when going up against any company,people post negative things all the time for many reasons,some right & some wrong,all i was meaning was that if a person wants their message to go from being a nobody post to a meaningfull post on the subject, then evidence must be submitted for others to judge by.
dude if you know what your doing you should be able to explain at least a little of your setup without getting up and giving each piece of equipment a thorough examination.

bud plants can grow without producing bud, its called fucked up light cycles.

(edit) : he is a nobody when compared to a seed company with hundreds/thousands of happy customers.
This is a hydroponic grow. 7 of the 10 germinated. Of the 7, 2 died due to mistakes (dried out rockwool cubes), 3 I killed (2 male, 1 hermaphodite), and two survived, only to produce no bud. The surviving mothers were vegged for 6 weeks (yes, too perhaps too long) under mostly blue multispectrum metal halide (400W), their nutrients (General Hydroponics) were adjusted appropriately throughout their growth, and the bulb was changed from metal halide to mostly red multispectrum High Pressure Sodium (again 400W). A CO2 generator appropriate for my setup was used throughout the entire grow (is still being used), and the humidity and temperature remained at constant levels (humidity around 50-60%, temp around 70F). The light was always at the proper distance from the canopy, and proper ventilation was provided.

I normally dont get upset with people but without a doubt you have the worst attitude ive seen of the membership here on RUI,talk about a bad attitude.

Helpfull people do not respond well to rude people & so far you surely are the rudest person ive ran across here.

You know you have a bad attitude too,you think its cool or your just used to the people in your life tolerating it,either way good luck.
Even if they sent you hemp seeds or something it would still flower. You must have something wrong with your setup. Why get all mad and defensive everyone wants to help you.
Hey panhead, FUCK YOU. I certainly don't need your advice n how to live my life; I'm doing just fine. This forum is about growing weed, not about telling others informing others of their character flaws. But while we're on the topic, I find that it's best to ignore what you feel is "negative" and try to focus on the positive. People have bad days, and people react to things in an immature fashion. It's called being human. You don't have do be such a fucking DICK.
Hey panhead, FUCK YOU. I certainly don't need your advice n how to live my life; I'm doing just fine. You don't have do be such a fucking DICK.

This sums it up pretty well for me,your not going to be told anything by anybody at any time,weather your right or wrong your always right,then you get pissed when others cant see why your always right,LOL,i got it now.

And kiddo,you should take a good hard look at yourself & the way you come across to others, at the slightest thought that anybody might be telling you something,you flip straight out,remember,your not going to be told anything.

Let's look at your posts in this thread of yours.

Post #1,you accuse with no evidence.

Post #5,you proceed to accuse another member of being cruel to animals,over a pic of a dog thats obviously sleeping.

Post # 10,if their such nice people why did they do me like this,this is my first grow,this pisses me off beyond words.

Nobody has said anything out of line to you at this point & everybody is still trying to help you,you've announced that your a new grower so experienced members/growers now ask questions about your grow set up,your now really pissed off.


Now I enter this thread & ask you (a brand new grower) about your set up,this is where you loose your mind with anger.

Post #17,dont ask me no stupid fuckin questions about my set up either,i allready said it was perfect,you assholes continue to accuse me of fucking them up.

Re read your own thread,at what point did anybody accuse you of anything,nobody did,also saying that your set up is perfect is a bold ass statement for a first time grower.

By this point you've went completely beserk.

Post #26,i dont have to get into specifics.
1, Because im a lazy Bitch (no arguement here baby)
2, Because i dont feel the need to explain myself to a bunch of fucking idiots.

Post #34,now you finally post details of your set up & close with a sarcastic remark to people only trying to help you.HAPPY ?

Post #34,exactly one minute after your previous post,i removed the photos that my cat took of the plants she grew,more scarcasm directed at those trying to help you out.

Now for your last post.

Hey panhead,FUCK YOU,i certainly dont need your advise on how to live my life,im doing just fine(i cant tell),this forum is about growing weed(bingo)not about informing others of their flaws(you've ruthlessly slammed any member in this thread that questioned you),i find it best to ignore what you feel is negative & focus on the positive(you've been negative from jump street),people have bad days(you've had 9 bad days in this thread)and people react to things in an immature fashion(yes you do),its called being human,you dont have to be such a dick.

Myself & the other members in this thread, who are/were simply trying to help you have endured your poison tongue & name calling insults from jump street,at every oportunity you've lashed out at everybody here,but thats because were all dicks,idiots & assholes.

Right ?