marijunana DEATHS???


New Member
So then they are using the tobacco to help fill the joint up so it isn't pure weed?

I had never heard of it until I started using this site. It just seems so strange to me.


Well-Known Member
The nicotine can compliment the high too. Nicotine is a stimulant and can give a little more up to the high. If you end up with some strait Indica but want to have some additional get-up-and-go it can be helpful. I stopped tobacco all together though. My buddy I chilled with this weekend doesn't smoke cigs except on the weekend when he chills with Mary Jane for the very reason of wanting some get-up-and-go :weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the tobacco with the weed, are you just using it for filler or something?
Actually it keeps the weed alight meaning you don't have to keep lighting it all the time.

Also makes smoking weed a lot smoother as it doesn't burn as hot.

I use a ratio Weed:Tabacco of at least 2:1.


Well-Known Member
no pot has never killed any one unless it was laced and a person smkined enough of it then yes it could happen but just stright non laced weed no


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

Must say you prof should think before opening his big mouth lol.
There is allot of things in this world that kills,allot!
But mary jane is one certain thing that will not kill you.

Funny thing is that if coffee would of been discovered reacently would it be legal ? i dont hink so.
If tobacco would of been discovered reacently would it be legal ? hell no.

Weed is a plant that cannot harm you just remember that.

But as we all know things like tobacco and coffee does kill.

Peace out all and keep on smoking :peace:


Well-Known Member
i once had a friend who was certain that tobacco in your weed gave an effect of being 19% higher than just with the weed...that being said I like the head buzz you get pretty much instantly..I use a ratio of about 1:3,give or take...


Well-Known Member
Actually it keeps the weed alight meaning you don't have to keep lighting it all the time.

Also makes smoking weed a lot smoother as it doesn't burn as hot.

I use a ratio Weed:Tabacco of at least 2:1.
is it really smoother? im not a tabacco smoker so would it still give me the same affect as it would to a chronic tobacco smoker?


Well-Known Member
is it really smoother? im not a tabacco smoker so would it still give me the same affect as it would to a chronic tobacco smoker?
If you put too much in you might get a head rush from the tobacco, but I only really use a small amount of tobacco, less than I would put in a cigarette, maybe 0.3g.

You want a very thin layer of tobacco, so that you can still see the paper beneath it. Then Pile the weed to cover the tobacco, then put another very thin layer of tobacco on top. 0.5 - 1g weed in a Kingsize blue Rizla (chlorine free). mmm I might make one now.


Well-Known Member
that actually sounds really good especially since tobacco enhances the high. im gunna try this when i get home. thanks for the idea JS


Well-Known Member
Tobacco in weed is nothing new but it's sure nasty as hell. I can understand why businesses might want to stretch the weed but not why anyone else would intentionally put that shit into their smoke.

Do you roll your joints with leaf or buds when you mix with tobacco?

I'm a cigarette smoker too, but unfiltered that shit's nasty and a bong won't help make it any more tolerable.


Active Member
I heard years ago that it is possible to O.D. on pot, but it would take something like forty pounds being consumed in twenty minutes. (I'd love to try.) But too much of anything can kill you including water, and even oxygen.

There was also a study I read about a few years ago concerning lung cancer in cigarette smokers, pot smokers and the general population. It turned out that it appears pot smokers got the least lung cancer over either cigarette smokers and non-smokers. They thought there might be something in pot that actually protects against it.


Well-Known Member
I came across an article on this a few years ago from a medical stand point. I'm on the hunt for it again so I can share it. In a nutshell, a medical study reported that there is an O.D. level for pot. But, it's such a high level that to come close you would have to smoke (by yourself) in excess of 900 (nine hundred) joints in less than an hour to even worry about it.

I'll post it as soon as I can find it. It was a very good read.


Well-Known Member
I couldn’t find the exact article I was looking for. But, the three below will answer your question. I’m still looking for the original one.

I used the numbers in one of the links below to come to this…

To kill 5 out of 10 test subjects (each weighing 217lbs) you would need to administer 12,544mg pure THC via an IV.

Legalize Marijuana NOW!!! Marijuana THC - Material Safety Data Sheet

Do a google search for "THC LD50" (Lethal Dose 50%). You'll have pages of stuff to look at.

Another great unbiased place to look for stuff like that, on any drug, is Erowid


New Member
Did it say over what amount of time you would have to administer it?

Does anyone know how many mg is in one IV bag? [500ML] This question has now changed to how many ml = mg

If a large IV bag holds 500ml and it takes 12,544mg for a person to OD, how many IV bags worth would that be?

(I'm just curious how many of those bags it would take, I can see someone full of needles with IV bags and racks all around them)

To kill 5 out of 10 test subjects (each weighing 217lbs) you would need to administer 12,544mg pure THC via an IV.