marital bliss


Well-Known Member
I never knew what happiness was until I got married..
By then it was too late because I was already married.


Active Member
dirtsurfr:7539321 said:
I never knew what happiness was until I got married..
By then it was too late because I was already married.
Dude that's going on fb. I'm sick of seeing all those quotes for women. Lol
Not married yet. I would but I haven't found that person that I can be forever with. Not many people are serious about it anymore but than again I could be wrong. :D


Well-Known Member
I need to work on the approach. I hear being clubbed around the head and dragged over terra firma by the hair back to some kind of cave isn't the done thing anymore. Pity. Mmm maybe extraction is the thing to do blind fold, gag, slap on the bum over the shoulder happy days.

I'm eyeballing dankdalia. think she's spotted me too.

Perhaps the way forward is to just be there, not offer solutions just listen.
awwww you wanna marry me?? :oops: