Marjorie Taylor Greene Announces Federal Lawsuit Against Nancy Pelosi

Never had glamor shots done. My hair is naturally curly red and I do all my own makeup. My husband took my profile pic sitting in front of some drapes in our dining room. I appreciate you noticing my natural beauty though. Something else I want to point out to you that you may be unaware of. I was married to a black man for over a decade and have half black children. My father was gay (bisexual) and I was raised around open loving relationships, between all genders. So know that I'm not racist in any way, shape or form.

I'm sorry that we disagree on politics, but I won't idly sit by and watch a racist destroy our great country, while people like you condone it.

It sucks that you're willing to piss on the people you love just because your thirst for liberal tears is insatiable. Next time you go to church, try listening.
I'm sorry that we disagree on politics, but I won't idly sit by and watch a racist destroy our great country, while people like you condone it.
Racists? Better go fight them at Newsmax and Fox. OAN if you want to take on the truly silly. Mind you, you might feel right at home at the three.

German decent? Hiel.
Bahahaha. As soon as anyone lays some truth on these clowns the true colors come out. They have nothing better to do than bitch and moan at the world in a politics section of a fuckong grow page that shouldn’t even exist. Always gonna have Fake ass bitches being hateful as possible when one of the wolves points out to the sheep that they a sheep.
Bahahaha. As soon as anyone lays some truth on these clowns the true colors come out. They have nothing better to do than bitch and moan at the world in a politics section of a fuckong grow page that shouldn’t even exist. Always gonna have Fake ass bitches being hateful as possible when one of the wolves points out to the sheep that they a sheep.
you tell em buddy!
Cliche republican, cracked out on liberal tears. "Don't make me beg here...I don't know what I'm doing and everybody hates me!"

Caught these two little kneegrow slaves, fishing in the creek on my “plantation” today. No worries though, I had them bound to a tree and gave them 30 lashes each.

They will think twice before wandering off again. Got them back in the field picking my cotton. Never seen any of my cotton pickers move so fast! LMAO :razz:

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You’re trash.
God gawd that woman is insufferable. :|

"in•suf•fer•a•ble ĭn-sŭf′ər-ə-bəl,
Incapable of being suffered"

Yep pretty much! Everything on here is just WORDS! Most of you by now have found my webpage, facebook page and everything else online about me and yet, I DON'T CARE! As I said, my life is about as perfect as it could be. Dox away, Dox me, Dox my company. It won't matter, there is a waiting list as it is, to buy my product!

Everything that is said and done online, or on this forum, is just WORDS! It has no effect on me, AT ALL!
"in•suf•fer•a•ble ĭn-sŭf′ər-ə-bəl,
Incapable of being suffered"

Yep pretty much! Everything on here is just WORDS! Most of you by now have found my webpage, facebook page and everything else online about me and yet, I DON'T CARE! As I said, my life is about as perfect as it could be. Dox away, Dox me, Dox my company. It won't matter, there is a waiting list as it is, to buy my product!

Everything that is said and done online, or on this forum, is just WORDS! It has no effect on me, AT ALL!

It also means "intolerable". Like someone we know. Sorry for using too big of a word for ya. :|
Of course you do. Because it works for your stupidass argument. But GUESS WHAT?? --it's not the ONLY definition. It's the one you choose to cling to.