No doubt we need something else. But what? Nothing gets the same energy bang for your buck. This is the root of the problem.
Solar aint it. Not without some incredible advancements in the tech. And i mean incredible. Wind farms have proven to be the flop that they promised to be.
Tidal turbines maybe? I dont know...
What about harnessing the energy from gravity? Somebody working on that?
No idea how one would harness gravity other than hydro power... If we could reliably make it rain on mountaintops that would work, right? LOL
Why do you say wind turbines are a flop? They work great and have lower installed cost than new fossil fuel power plants- and no ongoing cost for fuel. No one expected them to be a replacement for base load generation.
Denmark uses the battery capacity of the nation's electric cars to balance their country's electrical load. That could easily be part of the solution here, too.
But wind power is not the whole answer, and few ever touted it as such.
We need something else. Please don't say nuclear... We haven't figured out how not to destroy our planet with nuclear power and I'm not certain we ever will.
Solar can easily handle consumer power, socially in rural and suburban areas- again, using electric cars to balance loads. I've always felt that rooftops are the most wasted real estate in modern society and this would be an excellent way to put said space to good use.
For industrial power, solar isn't so great. It isn't constant and it doesn't lend itself well to high intensity use.
Geothermal is a big potential source of energy and it would serve baseload needs very well. Big, multi gigawatt plants are definitely doable and would generate all the power needed for intensive industrial and baseload applications, even aluminum smelting. It isn't terribly evenly distributed but on the other hand, Yellowstone alone could power the whole planet for centuries! If we tapped the heat from it in a serious way, we might even be able to prevent it from blowing up and causing the planetary catastrophe geologists tell us it's already overdue for, and that would be a nice bonus to pass onto our kids. It would go a long way towards making up for 100' of sea level rise and mercury in the ecosystem. California's Mammoth Hot Springs is another such place.
But what about transportation? Electric ships and airplanes are impractical with current technology- though to be specific, it's all about the battery; a better battery (meaning more energy dense, lighter) would absolutely solve this problem.
Do maybe what we really need isn't another power source, but a better battery.
Just thinking out loud here, feel free to poke holes in my logic...